Cell phone before 1990

History of social media

  • 1969

    this shows they only wrote things down
  • before 1990

    before 1990
    This shows that when you needed somebody you called their name by shouting, now you text or email.
  • during 1990

    during 1990
    this shows what social media we actually had.
  • before 1990s

    before 1990s
    this shows before 1990
  • before 1990s

    before 1990s
    this shows no apps where made before 1990s
  • during the 1990's

    during the 1990's
    This shows that we didnt have phones. we only had computers.
  • during the 2000-2010

    during the 2000-2010
    this shows that facebook finally came out.
  • During 2018

    During 2018
    this shows all the apps that have been created in 2018