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History of Programming Languages - Chace

By _Retro_

    German for "Plan Calculus", this language was the first High Level non-von Neumann language created by Konrad Zuse after moving out of Berlin after WWII.

    The first High Level computer language created in 1954 by John Backus. This language wasnt released for commercial use until 1959.

    This language was created by Charle s Katz for use on the UNIVAC I and UNIVAC II.

    COmmon Business Oriented Language, more likely is referred to as an English subset than a programming language.
  • RPG

    The RPG language was created to suit on goal: Generating Informative large-scale reports from Mainframe devices. The language was orginally developed in the 1960's by IBM.

    Standing for (Beginner's All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) was developed in 1964. It is meant to be a very simple language to learn.
  • LISP

    Created by John McCarthy in 1965, this language was created as a practical mathematical notation for computer programmmers.
  • LOGO

    This language was created for use by learners, even chuldren! It was created in 1967 for educational use.

    PASCAL is an influential imperative and procedural language by Niklaus Wirth. Developed in 1968-1969 and published in 1970.
  • ML

    This general-purpose functional language was created by Robin Milner in the early 1970's at the University of Edinburgh.
  • C

    Developed in the early 1970's by Dennis Ritchie to reimplement Unix.
  • B

    A language intended for non numeric applications. It was designed by D. M. Ritchie.
  • SQL

    Standing for (Structured Query Language) and also pronounced (See-quil), this language was developed by IBM for their mainframes in 1974-1975
  • C++

    This language was created in the late 1970's by B. Stroustrup to support object-oriented programming and other enhancements.
  • ADA

    Created in the early 1980's as a part of the US Government sponsorship competition for a new standard language.
  • Python

    Python is a general purpose, High Level programming language created by Guido van Rossum in the 1980's. This language is designed to be highly extensible.
  • JAVA

    This language was created at Sun Microsystems by a team of coders in the early 1990's. This language is also object-oriented.
  • Visual Basic

    Visual Basic is a computer programming system developed and owned by Microsoft. It was originally created to make it easier to write programs for the Windows operating system. This was introduced in 1991.
  • PHP

    PHP is a widely used general-purpose scripting language that is most suited for web development and can also be embedded into HTML.

    Created by Borland in 1995, this language is a descendant of Turbo Pascal.

    This language was created by Netscape. Intrpduced in 1995, this language was created to be an object-oriented web language.