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History of Education

  • Period: to

    The American Colonial Period

    At this time there was no education system so it was varied by locations. Originally education took place at home. Parents taught their kids what they knew. Even when schools started being established it was only in populated areas and mainly only for elementary or colleges. Although colleges were nearly impossible to get into.
  • Teacher Ranks

    Teacher Ranks
    During these times teachers were just below religious leaders in importance. This is due to them both being higher educated. They were expected to teach and he examples of moral behavior. For example, teachers could not drink, smoke, date, or marry, and they have to go to church regularly.
  • Curriculum

    Teaching was mainly based on the basics: reading, writing, simple math, and religion. The kids with wealthier parents got more subjects like Latin, greek, and more advanced math. Girls also had to learn sewing and other home management skills, but of course, wealthy girls could also study literature and poetry. During this time they used a tool called Hornbooks because books were really expensive.
  • Period: to

    The American Early National Period

    During this time America was still mainly a rural nation so most children were growing up in farms and expected to live the same way their parents do. Meanwhile in cities, since the population was more diverse ideas were being discussed and change occurred quicker. It was believed during this time that schools were a vehicle to making society a better place. Religon played less of a role instead education was a way to promote ideals of freedom and liberty.
  • Benjamin Franklin

    Benjamin Franklin
    Benjamin Franklin was one of the most important early leaders in the colonies. He worked to expand educational opportunities. He started secondary school in Philadelphia that offered many subjects even including practical ones. It is due to Franklin's influence that we still teach good citizenship in schools today and that public schools are open to everyone and teach many subjects.
  • Role Model Teachers

    Role Model Teachers
    Teachers continued to be positive role models. Since they were trying to teach good citizenship teachers had to portray that picture. They had to be involved in the community, try to make it a better place through church. Teachers taught these things in class like obey laws and respecting authority.
  • Major event 1: Separation of church and state

    Major event 1: Separation of church and state
    Religion was very important in the colonies which is why this brought controversies. Should prayer be allowed in schools? Should federal money be used to provide instruction in religious schools? What role should religion play in moral or character education?. It was decided that it is perfectly okay to discuss and inform the students of the different religions, but it is not okay to put one religion over another.
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson
    Thomas Jefferson was many things for example, a politician, an architect, a philosopher, an inventor, a farmer, and a writer. He believed that education was the key to making the newly formed democracy a success. He thought that if common people were able to become educated they can be part of the government. He made sure elementary was available without cost. That is how public schools in America were organized. Another achievement was the establishment of the University of Virginia.
  • Major event 2: Common school movement

    Major event 2: Common school movement
    This was a historical attempt to make education available to all children in the united states. Before this “Public” schools often charged partial tuition, discouraging all but the wealthiest from attending.
  • Additions to the Curriculum

    Additions to the Curriculum
    Schools continued to teach the basics but also started teaching Christian principles, citizenship, greek/roman/English history, and american history. Wealthy boys also stayed having more opportunities so they were also learning Greek, Latin, and English grammar plus advanced math, geography, literature, and science. This was to prepare them for college. If girls were to get extra education it would likely be from a tutor at home or a school for girls only.
  • Period: to

    The American Common School Period

    In these times the country was getting closer to civil war in the 1850s some Americans realized the injustice of slavery and they worked actively to try and stop it. For education at the beginning it was a very small amount was given it at all. Towards the end
  • African-American Education

    African-American Education
    Before the civil war, only very few enslaved African-American were able to read and write. If they wanted to learn it would have to be in secret. Whites feared that if they become educated it would lead to a rebellion. Not many African-American schools existed and some quaker schools allowed for them to attend. Usually, kids found work after school, but blacks found it very difficult. After the war, schools were set up by educated blacks but it didn't last because they were segregated.
  • Horace Mann

    Horace Mann
    Horace Mann was the seceratry of the board of education. Mann worked hard to establish free, public education for all boys and girls in Massachusetts. He believed everyone had the right to an education. He advocated for free libraries and was successful. He increased state funding towards public schools and this provided teachers with higher pay and materials. He also believed that teachers should not be teaching a specific religion.
  • Morril Act

    Morril Act
    This act gave federal land to establish colleges in every state. These were to provide education in agriculture, home economics, and other useful professions to people from all classes. Some of the well-known colleges we have now are from this act.
  • Changes in HOW teachers taught

    Changes in HOW teachers taught
    This period brought more change in how subjects were taught rather than what was taught. For Kindergarten, Froebel developed the idea that children learn best through play. So teachers started using songs and games and that approcg worked well with kids.
  • Period: to

    The American Progressive Period

    By this era, the united states has been divided by the civil war. Women were gaining more rights. The Progressive Era was a time of business expansion and reform in the United States. They wanted to regulate big business that often took advantage of both workers and consumers. Progressives wanted to make America a better and safer place to live, and education had a key role to play.
  • Segregated Education

    Segregated Education
    Schools during the american progressive period were still highly segregated. African-American children attended separated public schools that received less funding. Educational materials were scarce and inferior, often the castoffs from the white schools.
  • John Dewey

    John Dewey
    Dewey beleived that classrooms were rigid and inflexible, and did not adapt to the needs, interest, and abilities of individual students. Like Progressives in general, he believed that schools should place a greater emphasis on the development of problem-solving and critical-thinking skills.
  • Standerdized Curriculum

    Standerdized Curriculum
    Progressives believed that schools should focus on students more as individuals. Many felt that the curriculum was too standardized. They felt that students should be encouraged to think critically and independently, rather than simply memorize information and accept facts. These changes were significant.
  • Period: to

    The 1920s and the Great Depression Era

    Following World War 1, many Americans turned away from concerns about political reform. There were concerns about the rate of immigration. Quotas were set on the number of immigrants allowed in the country. Black Thursday caused an economic panic that put the country into the Great Depression
  • Impact of economy of schools

    Impact of economy of schools
    In good economic times, schools expand both in number and what they offer. In hard economic times, schools had to respond to lost revenue. During the great depression, the situation for schools was bleak. Public schools faced a shortage of cash since many citizens were unable to pay their taxes.
  • "Dick and Jane" Readers

    "Dick and Jane" Readers
    Despite the great depression, in the early 1930s, a new set of reading textbooks for beginning readers began publication. The books taught basic reading skills with simple stories about a family. Their widespread use helped standardized education.