History of Chemistry

By caleb75
  • 300

    phylosophers stone

    it ia a alchemical substance said to beable to turn regular metals like lead into gold
  • 400


    Primarily a product of the post-Exilic period
  • Mar 13, 650

    elixir of life

    a legendary potion, or drink, that grants the drinker eternal life
  • Francis bacon

    publishes The Proficience and Advancement of Learning, which contains a description of what is now known as the scientific method
  • robert boyle

    considerded the first modern chemist
  • pologiston theory

    this is a 17th century attempt to explain oxidization. (fire and rust)
  • cavendish

    a British scientist noted for his discovery of hydrogen or what he called "inflammable air"
  • lavoisier

    a chemist who named oxygen and hydrogen
  • Joseph black

    isolates carbon dioxide and calls it "fixed air"
  • dalton

    He is best known for his pioneering work in the development of modern atomic theory
  • avogardro

    He is most noted for his contributions to molecular theory, including what is known as Avogadro's law
  • Alessandro Volta

    creates the first chemical battery, founding the discipline of electrochemistry
  • joseph louis gay lussac

    Discovers that water is composed of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen
  • Lord Kelvin

    Creates the concept of absolute zero, the temperature that all molecular motion stops
  • Benjamin Silliman, Jr

    creates methods of petroleum cracking, which makes the entire modern petrochemical industry possible
  • jj thomspon

    He is credited for the discovery of the electron and of isotopes
  • Alexander Parkes

    exhibits Parkesine, one of the first synthetic polymers
  • Lothar meyer

    makes on of the first versions of the periodic table, with 28 elements
  • Dmitri Mendeleev

    publishes the first modern periodic table with 66 elements
  • rutherford

    he discovered the concept of radioactive half-life, proved that radioactivity involved the transmutation of one chemical element to another
  • Svante Arrhenius

    creates the ion theory to explain conductivity in electrolytes
  • William Ramsay

    discovers the noble gases, filling a gap in the periodic table
  • pitchblend

    this substance is what many chemists used to find elements such as uranium, polonium and radium.
  • J. J. Thomson

    discovers the electron using the cathode ray tube
  • Hantaro Nagaoka

    makes one of the first nuclear models of the atom, where electrons orbit the nucleus
  • s.p.l Sorensen

    invents the pH concept and makes methods for measuring acidity
  • bhor

    depicts the atom as a small, positively charged nucleus surrounded by electrons that travel in circular orbits around the nucleus
  • chadwick

    He was the primary British scientist who collaborated in the Manhattan Project during World War II
  • bucky ball

    is the smallest fullerene molecule containing pentagonal and hexagonal rings in which no two pentagons share an edge
  • bronze age

    the period after the stone age but before the iron age. it this period there was no ability to smelt.