Instructional technology

Historical timeline of Educational Technology

  • Period: to

    Historical Timeline Range

    How technology has influenced education over the last century to present time.
  • First School Museum Opens in St. Louis

    First School Museum Opens in St. Louis
    Audio Visual Education in Action by Dorothy BlackwellSchool museums were portable museum exhibits which included: stereographs ,slides, films, study prints, charts, and
    other instructional materials"
  • Portable Movie Projector

    Portable Movie Projector
    Herman DeVry's "Theater in a Suitcase"The portable movie projector was one of the first media devices used in schools. (Reiser, R.A. 2001)
  • Edward L Thorndike Educational Psychology: The Psychology of Learning

    Edward L Thorndike  Educational Psychology: The Psychology of Learning
    Educational Psychology Through the use of animal experiments, Edward Thorndike theorized that students could have their behavior changed, effecting learning through practice and more practice.
  • Department of Visual Instruction was created.

    Department of Visual Instruction was created.
    The whole story of the DIVThe Department of Visual Instruction was created, which is currently called the AECT. This organization was created to help promote instruction through media and technology.
  • Pressey Testing Machine

    Pressey Testing Machine
    Technology and CultureAutomation of the professions. Would allow teachers to save time in grading, and allow for drill and practice. Only 160 of the 250 that were produced were sold
  • First Instructional Television Event - State University of Iowa

    First Instructional Television Event - State University of Iowa
    First broadcast was for a World's Fair - the development of TV in education slowed due to the war.
    By 1952 the Federal Communication Commission had allocated 242 non-profit frequencies for educational uses.
  • John Dewey publishes Experience & Education

    John Dewey publishes Experience & Education
    John Dewey: Experience & Education“I take it that the fundamental unity of the newer philosophy is found in the idea that there is an intimate and necessary relation between the processes of actual experience and education."
    Dewey, John, Experience and education, 1938 by Kappa Delta Pi
  • US Military Training Films

    US Military Training Films
    Rifel Marksman Training
    Mass quantities of soldiers needed to be trained quickly. Through video demonstrations, within all areas of military needs, men were trained. Large models of small equipment were also used for training purposes. US Airforce alone produces over 400 films and 600 filmstrips for training purposes. Federal Government starts The Division of Visual Aids for War Training.
  • Rosie the Riveter enters the work force

    Rosie the Riveter enters the work force
    Teaching Safety
    Training films were produced to train men how to supervise and train women as they entered the workplace. Many of these same type videos are still used in companies today - the only difference is the format in which they are presented.
  • US Army using overhead projectors for training

    US Army using overhead projectors for training
    In 1945, the US Army began using overhead projectors to train soldiers.
  • Edgar Dale, Cone of Experience

    Edgar Dale, Cone of Experience
    Edgar Dale "Cone of Experience" Outlines the hierachy of teaching strategies and the effects on retention.
  • Television in Education

    Television in Education
    Instructional TV LessonThe Ford foundation funds Educational Television. With the 1950's came the age of televisions for instructional purpose. During the 1950's through the 1960's the Ford Foundation spent over 170 million dollars on television instruction. (Rieser, R.A. 2001)
  • B.F Skinner

    B.F Skinner
    Teaching MachinesB F Skinner Teaching Machine
    artifact from Smithsonian Institution
    Due to the increased number of people wanting an education, Skinner saw a need for more automated ways for students to learn. The machine would enable students to have immediated feedback.
  • BF Skinner Teaching Machines

    BF Skinner  Teaching Machines
    Teaching Machines: Science
    B F Skinner argues for the use of Teaching Machines to enable students to move at their individual pace. This will make education more efficient; closer to the industrial model of educating more people. B F Skinner felt that students were held to the speed of the slowest learners in the class
  • Robert Mager (1962) Preparing Instructional Objectives. Palo Alto: California: Fearon Publishers

    Robert Mager      (1962) Preparing Instructional Objectives. Palo Alto: California: Fearon Publishers
    "Before you prepare instruction, before you choose materials, machine, or method, it is important to be able to state clearly what your goals are. This book is about instructional objectives. In it I will try to show how to state objectives that best succeed in communicating your intent to others. The book is NOT about the philosophy of education, nor is it about who should select objectives, nor about which objectives should be selected." p.viii

    On August 30th, 1969 the ARPANET, which was originally developed for the military quickly became adopted by major institutes of higher learning for file sharing. The ARPANET would later evolve into todays world wide web.
  • TI-30 Scientific Calculator

    TI-30 Scientific Calculator
    TI-30 Scientific Calculator The scientific calculator revolutionalized the way math was used and taught.
  • Apple II personal computer

    Apple II personal computer
    The Oregon TrailThe Apple II was the first personal computer to be sucessfully mass-produced. This computer was found in several schools and even offered students the opportunity to play educational videogames.
  • Tim Berners Lee - developed HTML

    Tim Berners Lee - developed HTML
    Tim Berners-Lee Biography The beginning stages of the World Wide Web. Developed HTML code, which led to the internet, currently work on making information more open.
  • is born is born
    Mark Zuckerberg launched Thefacebook, which changed to on February 4th, 2004. This collaborative, online web tool has changed the way many people interact. This and a large collection of Web 2.0 tools are constantly changing the shape of educational technology.
  • Going Forward