
Harriett tubman timeline

  • birth

    (not the exact date of birth because she was a slave)
  • Period: to


    (not exact birth date)
  • 1826 Harriet Trubman was hired out to a woman named "Miss Susan" as a nursemaid and later a planter named James Cook. She was beaten by both her owners -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edward Brodess sold

  • she got hit in the head.

    she tried to defend a slavewho tried to escape she was hit iin the head with a two pd. weight.
  • 1844 Harriet married a free black man called John Tubman and soon after her marriage she changed her name from Araminta (Minty) to Harriet

  • harrietts escape

    she escaped to philadelphia through the underground r.r and tunnels form former slaves.
  • congress passed act

    congress passed act to allow you to help run away slaves
  • she became an active under ground r.r operator

  • helped parents escape

    she helped her parents escape to auburn new york
  • harriett was re married to nelson davis

  • death