Gouri's life

By Gou937
  • I'm born

    Today is the day I was born in a hospital in India. I was born around 11'46 pm.
  • First aiplane ride!

    First aiplane ride!
    Today was the first time I've ever been on an airplane. I traveled from India-USA.
  • First Words!

    Today I spoke my first words. It was "Bava" It was something my mom calls my dad.
  • First Steps

    I took my first steps today and I fell a couple of times.
  • Very First Haircut

    Very First Haircut
    Today, my parents took me to my first harcut cut. I believe the style was called "Mushroom Cut"
  • First time riding a tricyle.

    First time riding a tricyle.
    I rode a tricycle for the first time today!
  • First Major Dissaperance

    First Major Dissaperance
    I was at an event at the library, and my mother was looking through books in the aisles. I though she left me. I went outside the library, looking for her. Luckily a Lady from the next door day care grabbed me, and called the Police. So then we found each other in the end, in about 10 minutes. Before the Police arrived.
  • First day of School

    Today is my first day of school at the "Academy House" in Jersey City USA
  • Started reading

    Started reading
    I started reading today. I think I was reading little words like Cat or Dog. Or something like that
  • First Important Question.

    I asked my Mom about Life. She was stumped on what to say. I asked what's the reason we were born for?
  • First International Vacation Trip

    First International Vacation Trip
    I went to the UK as my first international vacation trip.
  • My Brother Welcomes The World

    My Brother Welcomes The World
    Today at 4:06 AM, My brother was born. That was the time I was really happy, but that was also the time when I was most dissapointed.
  • First Chapter Book

    First Chapter Book
    I started reading Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone at age 7. I feel good when people talk about it, or at least I use to
  • First Pair of Teeth Lost

    First Pair of Teeth Lost
    I was loosing my milk teeth and my little brother was getting his first.
  • First Time Visting The Dentist

    I had to go to the dentist to get one of my teeth out.
  • India Vacation Trip

    India Vacation Trip
    I returned to India for vacation, and visited family
  • First Long School Trip

    We went to Mansfield to learn about The First Nations and their way of life. It was the first time going on a school trip that was 3 days long.