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Gavin sartins Pernatal Development time line

  • Conspetion

    sperm and egg combine
  • the begianing of the first trimester

    from week one to the end of the third month
  • week number 2

    this i the end of the zygoat and the begianing of the embryo stage
  • embryo

    zygoat becomes an embryo
  • zigoat

    the time of the zigoat ends and the time of the begians
  • by the end of the first month the embryo is 1/5 of an inch long

    no changes in mother she might not even know shes pregnet but may have morning sickness
  • week 7

    week   7
    the heart is beating
  • the second month

    babys size of a kidny bean and has slight webed fingers mother most likly miss her period
  • end of the first trimester

    this is the end of the first trimester and the begianing of the second
  • the third month

    baby's about three inches long and weighs about an once, has its own finger prints this mont the monther may relize shes preg
  • the fourth month

    baby is about 5 inches long and is geting bones. mother might have to use the bathroom alot because of the utrus pushing on the blader
  • the fith month

    baby gets eyebrows and eyelids and is about 10 inches long mother might notice slight weight gain
  • end of the second trimester

    this is the end of the second trimester and the begianing of the third
  • sixth month

    baby weighs a pound and a half and is gaining fat mother might have a hard time sleeping
  • seventh month

    baby weighs about 3 pound and eyes are fully devolped and can follow light mother might fell slight kicking and might have a hard time breathing
  • the 8th month

    babys lungs are fuly devolped and can servive if born ,mother might fell contrations
  • end of the third trimester and baby is born

    end of the third trimester and baby is born
    babys due date is jan 6th but i was born on dec 28 baby is about 19 inches long weighs about 7 pounds 5 ounces mother is very tierd for labor