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Gary Ridgway

  • Birth

    Gary Ridgway was born on February 18, 1949 (State of Washington v. Gary Leon Ridgway 1). He was born in Salt Lake City, Utah. He grew up near Seattle's Pacific Highway, which is a low-class neighborhood. He struggled in school and was sent to Vietnam when he finished high school ("Gary Ridgway Biography"). Since he was raised in a low class neighborhood, he could have seen things that a kid should never see. This can set somebody up for a troubled life.
  • Gary Ridgway Arrested

    Gary Ridgway Arrested
    On May 11, 1982, Gary Ridgway was arrested for solicitation ("Gary Ridgway Arrested for Solicitation"). He became a suspect in the Green River murders, but he passed a polygraph test. He was no longer a prime suspect. The task force was still suspicious that he might be involved, but they did not have nough evidence to charge him at that time ("Gary Ridgway").
  • Gary Ridgway Gets Married

    Gary Ridgway Gets Married
    On June 12, 1988, Ridgway married a woman by the name of Judith Mawson. She was happy to be Ridgway's wife ("Gary and his wife"). Mawson stated, "I had the perfect husband" (Quigley 1). They remained happily married for thirteen years. Mawson loved Ridgway with all of her heart. The monster inside of him was very well hidden. Judith does not mention anything dark about Ridgway. When he went home, he was a different person.
  • Gary Ridgway Pleads Guilty to Forty-eight counts of First Degree Murder

    Gary Ridgway Pleads Guilty to Forty-eight counts of First Degree Murder
    In order to avoid the death penalty, Gary Ridgway pled guilty to forty-eight counts of first degree murder. In exchange for his guilty plea, he was sentenced to forty-eight consecutive life terms in prison with no possibility of early release ("State Of Washington v. Gary Leon Ridgway"). He managed to get around the death penalty just by pleading guilty. He knows how to get his way, even though he is behind bars.
  • Gary Ridgway Charged with Murder

    Gary Ridgway Charged with Murder
    On December 5, 2001, Gary Ridgway was arrested and charged with four counts of first degree murder. Biological evidence on these four victims matched Gary Ridgway. He had never been ruled out as a suspect, but they finally had a solid case against him (Verhovek). DNA does not lie, so his murder spree was over. There was no doubt that he was the Green River Killer.
  • Gary Ridgway Pleads Guilty to a Forty-Ninth Murder

    Gary Ridgway Pleads Guilty to a Forty-Ninth Murder
    On February 18, 2011, Gary Ridgway pled guilty to the murder of Rebecca Morrero in order to avoid a death sentence again. He was sentenced to life in prison with no possibility of parole to be served consecutively with his other forty-eight sentences ("Gary Ridgway - The Green River Killer - 49th Victim Sentencing"). He didn't risk getting a death sentence because he would have forty-eight other life sentences even if he was acquitted this time. He has nothing to lose other than his life.