Freak the mighty

Freak the Mighty Timeline

By Sibelch
  • Chapter 1

    Chapter 1
    In chapter 1, Max introduces himself as a big kid that isn't very smart. He also talks a little about Freak and how he was curious about him.
  • Chapter 3

    Chapter 3
    In chapter 3, Max and Freak meet each other for the first time when Freak moves into Max's block, The first thing they do together is play with Freak's ornithopter. Freak is Max's first friend.
  • Chapter 7

    Chapter 7
    In chapter 7, Freak and Max get attacked by Blade's gang at the Fourth of July fireworks. Freak sits on Max's shoulders and guides him like a horse away from Blade.
  • Chapter 9

    Chapter 9
    In chapter 9, Max and Freak go on a quest. They end up at a medical research building in the hospital. Freak tells Max that he is getting a bionic body at this hospital.
  • Chapter 11

    Chapter 11
    In this chapter, Freak and Max go to the New Testemants to find Loretta Lee because they found her purse. They find her apartment and meet Loretta and Iggy. Iggy and Loretta think that the kids stole Loretta's purse so they are meant to them. Then, Loretta realizes that Max is Killer Kane's son and Iggy lets Max and Freak go.
  • Chapter 13

    Chapter 13
    In chapter 13, Freak helps Max read and write. No one but Freak can help Max learn things. The counsler tells Max that his father wants to talk to him and. After hearing this, Max freaks out and acidentaly hurts a nurse. Kevin chokes on "gruel" during lunch and has to go to the hospital.
  • Chapter 16

    Chapter 16
    In this chapter, Killer Kane takes Max to Loretta and Iggy's apartment to hide out. Max finds out that they are all working together. Iggy is scared of Killer Kane so he does everything he says.
    <- Killer Kane
  • Chapter 19

    Chapter 19
    In chapter 19, Killer Kane ties up Max in an abadoned building while he does something. Loretta tries to free Max, but Killer Kane catches her and attempts to choke her to death. Max yells at Killer Kane that he knows that Killer Kane killed his mother.
  • Chapter 20

    Chapter 20
    In this chapter, Killer Kane stops choking Loretta and instead tries to choke Max to death. But, Kevin bursts through a window with a water gun. He tells Killer Kane that there is dangerous chemicals in the gun. He then spray Killer Kane in the eyes and saves Max.
  • Chapter 24

    Chapter 24
    In chapter 24, Max goes to the hospital to visit Kevin. He finds out that Kevin is dead and freaks out. The doctor tells Max that Kevin's heart got too big for his body and he passed away. Max finds out that Kevin was never really going to get a new body.