Fotini's Timeline

  • My Birthdate

    My Birthdate
    May first of 1997, I was born in Newark, New Jersey.
  • First day of school

    First day of school
    I started school in the begining of september when i was about 6 years old. I started school at Woodland grade school. I cant remember a lot of it but I do remember making a few new friends and loving the school and loved learning,
  • Vacation

    This is my first vivid memory of going on vacation with my family. We went to Greece and visited family and friends. It was a very interesting expirience for me to go on a plane and into a different continent and seeing if and how differently things work in a country other than America.
  • Moving

    After finishing 2 years at Woodland grade school there was what i thought was a turning point in my life: My parents decided to move into another house. I remember being nervous to move because i would also be going to another school with new students and teachers that i didnt know. Now looking back at it, it wasnt as bad as it seemed.
  • New School

    New School
    After finishing my one and only year left in Hillcrest I finally made it to elementry school! I remember elementry school having an impact on me, it made me realize that im getting older and that I have responsibilities, like homework and chores and such,
  • Another Vacation

    Another Vacation
    In the summer going into 5th grade my family and I took another great vacation to Australia this time. It was very cool to see how much more differently things were there, not like here in America or even in Greece. It was also nice to see family there too, and it helped me realize how important my family is to me.
  • Finally, Middle School

    Finally, Middle School
    Elementry school did help me realize how important chores and homework and such were, but middle school was really when i started thinking about school. I remembered having trouble in 6th grade because it was just so much more different than the previous year.
  • First day

    First day
    I finally made it to high school. The first day was interesting, different and fun until something happened. I noticed i had broken out in an allergic reaction. I had to rush to the nurse and went to the doctors right when my mom picked me up and had to miss the second day of school. Had to be maybe the worst day of my life.
  • Friends

    Probably halfway through Freshman year of highschool i realized who were and who werent my true friends. After different situations happened i noticed the same group of friends that were there for me and thats when i realized my true best friends.
  • Smokey

    It was about early April when I finally got a pet. My mom wouldnt allow pets in the house but now she noticed that having a pet is a good way to show responsibility and chores like feeding and cleaning.
  • Staples

    Early August i remember doing some chores before my mom got home. As i was washing the dishes a glass fell over, broke and fell on my leg creating an open cut. I had to go to the emergency room and got staples. It was a sign to me to be a lot more careful and aware of my surroundings.