Food systems development

By mgast
  • 1910-1920

    • oreos were invented in 1912
    • red flannel hash was popular among the common people
    • the last dinner on the titanic before it sunk on april 15, 1912 was salmon, filet mignon lili, lamb, roast duckling, beef sirloin, and roast squab
  • jazz age 1920-1930

    jazz age 1920-1930
    • dry during this time due the prohibition so drinks weren't really around
    • interest in italian food grew a lot so it became very popular because it was thought of as exotic and cultured
    • breakfast consisted of pancakes, codfish, and bacon
  • hippies - 1960-1970

    hippies - 1960-1970
    • whole grains, legumes, fresh vegetables, and soy products were introduced to the mainstream
    • hippies embraced new ingredients and flavors like tofu and sprouted grains
    • Spaghetti O's and shake and bake were introduced in 1965
  • the 80' - 1980-1990

    the 80' - 1980-1990
    • junk food became very popular during this time
    • new sodas, candy, pudding pies, blizzards, and all sorts of new treats came about
    • jello was created during the 1980's
  • the 90's - 1990-2000

    the 90's - 1990-2000
    • mediterranean food took off during this period
    • grab and go foods like hot pockets, eggo waffles, and bagel bites sales spiked
    • lean cuisine, hamburger helper, and mini chiken pot pie were just a few larger meals that everyone ate