Explorers Timeline

  • Jan 1, 1418

    Henry the Navigator

    He had started his school in 1418
  • Aug 9, 1492

    Christopher Columbus First Voyage

    Born in Genoa, Italy, 1451,
  • Jul 8, 1493

    Da Gama Vasco

    He sailed from Lisbon, Portugal to Calicut India in from July, 8th, 1493 till May 20, 1948
  • Sep 15, 1493

    Christopher Columbus Second Voyage

    After reporting to the king and queen of Spain that he'd found tressure there, they sponsered his second expedition and sent him back with about 17 ships and 1,200 to 1,500 men
  • May 31, 1498

    Christopher Columbus Third Voyage

    Columbus had sailed a little farther to the South and ended up being the second person to set foot on America besides Leif Ericsson
  • Jan 1, 1499

    Amerigo Vesspuchi

    He travled to America in 1499 and his voyage ended in 1500
  • May 9, 1502

    Christopher Columbus Final Voyage

    After his third expedition he had gotten one more sponser, he then found more new land and probably alot more gold. After his fourth expidition he was to old to go on anymore
  • Jan 1, 1519

    Ferdinand Magellan

    He had sailed around the world in 1519
  • Sameul De Champlain

    He had sailed to Canada in 1609
  • Leif ericsson

    He sailed around the 100s