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Explorers 1400-1700

  • Aug 1, 1492

    Christopher Columbus Sales the Ocean Blue

    Christopher Columbus Sales the Ocean Blue
    Christopher Colobus tries to find a different route to China, but instead found the Carribean Islands. He tried to find many spices and gold, but there weren't many.
  • Period: Aug 1, 1492 to

    History of Explorers 1400-1700

    This timeline represents the American, Spanish, and French explorers who have arrived in the Americas.
  • Jan 1, 1497

    John Cabot

    John Cabot
    John Cabot, who lived in Venice sailed all the way from Italy across the Atlantic. He than landed, and claimed Newfoundland.
  • Apr 1, 1513

    Ponce de leon

    Ponce de leon
    Ponce de Leon has found Florida, which in Spanish "flowery." He tried to drive the Indians off and find the "Fountain of Youth" died by a poison arrow.
  • Jan 1, 1519

    Hernan Cortes

    Hernan Cortes
    Hernan Cortes found the tribe of Tennochtitlan, in the Aztecs. He then conquered the tribe and built Mexico City, the capital of a Spanish empire, New Spain.
  • Jan 1, 1534

    Jacques Cartier

    Jacques Cartier
    Jacques has explored to find an all-water route from North America, all the way to the Pacific Ocean. Although he has not found this, he did find Canada.
  • Jan 1, 1540

    Francisco Vasquez de Coronado

    Francisco Vasquez de Coronado
    This famous conquistador tried to find the "Seven Golden Cities," but did not. Instead, he walked 7,000 miles to find a small, crowded village.
  • Jan 1, 1565

    Pedro Menendez de Aviles

    Pedro Menendez de Aviles
    He has successfully driven off the French out of Floridam abd built the base "Saint Augustine." That is the oldest, permanent settlement in the United States.
  • Sir Walter Raleigh

    Sir Walter Raleigh
    He sent a group of colonists to Roanoke. Then, they were too late to plant crops. Their leader, John White, was busy fighting a war between England and Spain, so Walter's trip was delayed for three years.
  • Jamestown

    Jamestown was established in Virginia by 144 settlers. The name came from King James I. This place had many fish, but very little settlers knew how to hunt, or farm, and the town also had not many resources. One other downside was that there were disease-carrying mosquitos and a powerful Indian tribe.
  • Sameul de Champlain

    Sameul de Champlain
    Champlain sailed up the St. Lawrence River and has built a Trading Post called "Quebec." This fort was also used as a kind of 'base.'
  • Captain John Smith

    Captain John Smith
    Captain John, a natural leader, took "control" over Jamestown. He made the men eat, by saying this:
    "If any would not work, neither should he eat."
    That really was motivation for the others. While he was looking for good, he was captured by Indians and had a great feast. After the feast, the Indians wanted to kill him by clobbering him to death. Then, Pocahontas has helped him by saving his life, and helped bring the town food, and help prevent "death, famine, and utter confusion."
  • Marquette and Louis Joliet

    Marquette and Louis Joliet
    These two French explorers have explored the Mississippi River. They were hoping that it was the Northwest Passage, but it only went to the Gulf of Mexico. Realizing this, they traveled back to New France.
  • Robert de La Salle

    Robert de La Salle
    Robert has explored the entire Mississippi River and claimed everything on the west side of it for France. He named this are "Louisiana," because of the French king, King Louis XIV.