
By TetiFIZ
  • Nov 11, 1346

    Black Death

    Black Death
    The Black Death was a huge outbreak of plague carried by rat fleas that spread through Europe. One third of the population was killed, thats about 25 million people. When the people were bitten by the fleas they were injected with the disease resulting in an often rapid death. The plague killed citizens within an average of 3 days.
  • Nov 11, 1420

    First Caravels and cape of good hope

    First Caravels and cape of good hope
    In 1420 the first ship from Asia entered the Atlantic Ocean by going around the cape of good hope. The Caravels were just being created and they had a sloping bow and single stern castle.The Caravel carried a mainmast and a mizzen mast that were generally lateen-rigged. Columbus’s ships Niña and Pinta were supposedly caravels, and the ships are credited with many portugese and spanish voyages.
  • Nov 11, 1465

    navigated by the stars

    navigated by the stars
    During 1465 the use of stars for navigation was greatly improved over earlier eras.One of the advancements was the Astrolabe which was used to measure the height of a star above the horizon. The Arabs are credited with inventing the astrolabe. The new technology for navigation made it easier and more safe for explorers to travel
  • Nov 11, 1498

    columbus discovers "America"

    columbus discovers "America"
    Coulumbus discovers what he thinks is part of Asia but will later be proven wrong. After departure from Spain Columbus split his 6 ships up. Three of them went to Hispaniola immediately to bring desperately needed supplies, while the other three would aim for points south of the already explored Caribbean to search for more land and perhaps even the route to the orient that Columbus still believed to be there. Columbus himself captained the ship searching for new land.
  • Nov 15, 1499

    Amerigo Vespucchi explores Americas

    Amerigo Vespucchi explores Americas
    In 1499 Amerigo Vespucchi explored along the coast of South America and decided it was a continent and is not part of Asia. Amerigo Vespucci was known by americus and that is how North and South America got their names. Vespucci was one of the first explorers to realize that the places he visited were not part of Asia but part of a new world. A pamphlet was published called "The Four Voyages of Amerigo", this stated that the land vespucci explored should be named in his honor.
  • Nov 11, 1509

    Sebastian Cabot

    Sebastian Cabot
    Sebastian Cabot is credited with exploring the coast of Greenland and entering the Hudson Bay. When Cabot discovered the opening to the Hudson Bay, He considered it to be the water passage leading around North America to the Orient.Cabot also explored the coast of Greenland. While doing this he was supposedly looking for the Northwest Passage but there is doubt that this journey occurred.
  • Nov 15, 1513

    Balboa and Ponce de Leon

    Balboa and Ponce de Leon
    In 1513 Balboa crossed the Isthmus of Panama and discovered the Pacific Ocean. Ponce De Leon also landed in Florida during this time. At one time in Balboas life while he was not exploring, he resorted to farming in order to make a living. Balboa was the first European to see the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean. Ponce de Leon was searching for riches and the fountain of youth.After stops at Grand Turk Island and San Salvador, Ponce de Leon reached the east coast of Florida.
  • Nov 15, 1514


    In 1514 smallpox was brought by Europeans and began to wipe out native populations in the americas. Many of the Americans were killed by the spread of smallpox because they were not immune to the european disease. It was found that more of the Native Americans were killed by disease than of violence during the European invasion. It is estimated that up to 85% of Americas population dropped because of the disease.
  • Nov 15, 1519

    Ferdinand Magellan and Hernan Cortez

    Ferdinand Magellan and Hernan Cortez
    in 1519 Ferdinand Magellan left Spain with five ships to find a SouthWestern Passage to Asia. Also, Hernan Cortez entered the Aztec Capital of Tenochitlan to meet with the Aztec emperor. While looking for the SouthWester Passage the crew of Magellan were begining to get irritated because the voyage was taking to long and began to revolt against the captains.Finally, the voyage resulted in the finding of the strait of Gibralter.Cortez was one explorer who was able to defeat and conquer the aztecs
  • Nov 15, 1533


    Atahualpa, emperor of the Incas, was hanged by the Spanish Conquerors the Inca empire which was already being destroyed by a smallpox epidemic and civil war. The Spanish invaded the inca army camp and stole gold, silver and emeralds. Atahualpa offered a ransom of rooms full of gold and silver but the ransom was not enough. After two months the Incas no longer found it necessary to keep atahualpa and executed him.
  • Nov 15, 1539

    De Soto in Southwestern United States

    De Soto in Southwestern United States
    In 1539 the Spanish explorer Hernando DeSoto took part in the explortion of what is today the Southwestern United States. DeSoto's expedition took place because he was in search of gold which was being mined.DeSoto brought with him to Florida priests, craftsmen, engineers, farmers, and merchants.The expedition traveled north along the coast of Florida and they encountered many conflicts along the way.
  • Nov 15, 1540


    In 1540 Coronado was the first Spanish explorer to explore the American Southwest. Coronado was always searching for treasure that was rumored to exist in Northern Mexico. Along with a group of hundreds of soldiers and some slaves he traveled through Mexico as well as some Southwest American States. They were Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas. Coronado forced the Native Americans to convert to Christianity but they were very against this change.
  • Nov 15, 1541

    DeSoto and the Mississippi

    DeSoto and the Mississippi
    In 1541 Hernando DeSoto was a spanish explorer who explored the Mississippi river.DeSoto described the Mississippi river as the most majestic stream that he had yet discovered. They Said the "Mighty Flood" was a mile and a half wide. The Mississippi was then called the "Father of Waters" DeSoto was little aware about the importance of the discovery he had just made.
  • Nov 16, 1542

    Giovanni Verrazano

    Giovanni Verrazano
    In 1542 Giovanni Verrazano explored the coast of north America for France. Verrazano sailed along the coast first arriving in North Carolina and then sailed north past Sandy Hook and finally into the New York harbor.Verrazano was eventually killed during a confrontation with native americans in the lesser antilles. During Giovanni Verrazano's voyage to America Some of his boats did not make it across the Atlantic because they ran out of supplies, got lost at sea, or were shipwrecked.
  • Period: Nov 16, 1577 to Nov 16, 1580

    Sir Francis Drake

    From 1577-1580 Sir Francis Drake became the first Englishman to Circumnavigate the globe. During this trip around the Globe Drake Departed from Plymouth England and Sailed to Brazil. Next, they sailed through the Strait of Magellan. They then arrived in Tierra del Fuego where they were greeted by friendly locals who gave them food and drink. Then they sailed to Panama, "Nova Albion", then crossed the Pacific Ocean and sailed by Indonesia, through the Indian Ocean, past the Cape of Good Hope.
  • Paragraph

    All of these events are important to exploration because they all influenced each other. Without the inventions of the caravels and navigation, exploration would not have been as efficient.Also without each individual explorers discoveries the ones after them may not have been able to make their discoveries.For example when Columbus discovers the American continent but thinks it is part of Asia,he is setting up the path for Amerigo Vespucci who discovers that the land is in fact a new continent.