Exploration to Independents

  • Period: 1800 BCE to 800

    The Maya

    The Mayans had a powerful civilization of expert builders. They lived in the now and day northern Guatemala.
  • Period: 1200 BCE to 600 BCE

    The Olmecs

    The Olmec were an early Mesoamerican civilization. They lived in the forest of Veracruz and Tabasco.
  • 1095

    Pope Urban calls for Crusades in the Holy Land

    Pope Urban calls for Crusades in the Holy Land
    they wanted to purge the holy land from the Muslim's control so they sent 4 crusades.
  • 1200

    Europe is a farming economy

    Europe is a farming economy
    they farmed for the things they need they needed which was hard work.
  • Period: 1200 to 1521

    The Aztec

    The Aztecs were a strong resourceful civilization. They lived in Mexico City.
  • 1271

    Marco Polo travels to the East

    Marco Polo travels to the East
    Marco Polo travels many different places for a span of about 20 years.
  • 1289

    Crusades end

    Crusades end
    they lasted about 200 years and were unsuccessful at their original goal but their economic and cultural impact had changed the entire country of Europe.
  • 1293

    Polos journey home

    Polos journey home
    He travels back home with all of the new goods and ideas from the east.
  • 1298

    Polo imprisoned and writes his book

    Polo imprisoned and writes his book

    During a battle against genoa Marco is captured and meats a writer in prison who inspires him to write about his travels to the east.
  • Period: 1300 to

    The renaissance

    The rebirth of Europe when there was a renewed interest in the ideas in thinking from ancient Greece.
  • Period: 1400 to 1532

    The Inca

    The Inca were a large civilization with a complex government and no written language. They lived in Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador.
  • 1415

    The Portuguese Capture Fortress of Ceuta in Africa

    The Portuguese Capture Fortress of Ceuta in Africa
    This was the begging of Portugals dream of controlling the global market of gold.
  • 1419

    The discovery of the Madeira islands

    The discovery of the Madeira islands
    This discovery encouraged Price Henry and his followers to continue to travel.
  • 1427

    The discovery of the Azores Islands

    The discovery of the Azores Islands
    This discovery heavily encouraged more people to continue to venture south.
  • 1434

    1 of prince Henry's ships made a successful voyadge

    1 of prince Henry's ships made a successful voyadge
    There were at least 15 attempts to get past Cape Bojador and back.
  • 1440

    The printing press was invented

    The printing press was invented
    People no longer had to carve every letter by hand. They could now use a moveable type.
  • 1469

    Queen Isabela and king Ferdinand Married

    Queen Isabela and king Ferdinand Married
    This marriage unified Catholic Spain and they began building a nation that could compete for global power.
  • 1488

    Bartolomeu Días leads his people around the tip of Africa

    Bartolomeu Días leads his people around the tip of Africa
    He wished to travel further but his crew refused to continue on so they headed back and he discovered "The Cape of Storms."
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Christopher Columbus made landfall

    Christopher Columbus made landfall
    He landed on an island he named Hispaniola.which is the present-day Dominican Republic.
  • 1519

    Cortes invades the Aztec

    Cortes invades the Aztec
    Cortes lands in Mesoamerica and with his greed and spight, he begins to make allies with the tribes conquered by the Aztec and they start to invade the Aztec.
  • 1529

    Pizarro Invades the Inca

    Pizarro Invades the Inca
    Pizarro lands in South America. His lust for gold, glory, and to spread the word of god push him to take control. he begins to make allies with the conquered tribes of the Inca and they begin to invade.
  • 1532

    The Inca fall under Pizarro

    The Inca fall under Pizarro
    Pizzaro conquers the Inca. He takes their land, enslaves the people, and justifies it by saying the king gave him the right to do so.
  • Thomas Hobbes writes The Leviathan

    Thomas Hobbes writes The Leviathan
    Thomas Hobbes writes about this view on man and the government. He also wrights about how he thinks a government should be run.
  • John Locke writes The Second Treatise on Government

    John Locke writes The Second Treatise on Government
    John Locke writes about his view on the government and how it should be run. He also rights about the changes that need to be made to what they had.
  • The United States declares Independence

    The United States declares Independence
    The states no longer want to be controlled by their mother country. They break away, start to govern themselves, and right the declaration of independence.
  • France writes the Declaration of the Rights of Man

    France writes the Declaration of the Rights of Man
    french started to break away from the French monarchy. they wrote the Declaration of the Rights of Man and based it on the declaration of independence.
  • Haiti gains independence

    Haiti gains independence
    Toussaint L'Ouverture leads the Haitians in a rebellion and they become the first independent black-ruled state.
  • Bolivar and his soldiers begin Venezuela’s fight for independence

    Bolivar and his soldiers begin Venezuela’s fight for independence
    Simon Bolivar, the educated criollo, leads the people of Venezuela in a fight for freedom against the Spanish.
  • Bolivar’s Gran Columbia gains its independence

    Bolivar’s Gran Columbia gains its independence
    Gran Columbia, which was made up of Columbia, Venezuela, and Ecuador. was liberated after bolivar and his soldiers won the battle at Carabobo and marched into Quito to secure the victory.
  • Jose de San Martin frees Peru from Spain

    Jose de San Martin frees Peru from Spain
    Jose de san martin arrives in Pisco and waits to attack. The Spanish flee to the mountains. Martín takes lima and Peru declares independence. bu the Spanish troops still remain and Jose de san martin needs help to defeat them so he calls in bolivar for help.
  • Mexico gains independence

    Mexico gains independence
    with the help of Hidalgo's movement, the people of Mexico fought for the slaves and mistreated people of color. after 11 years, they gain independence.