Exploration- Salada

  • Nov 11, 1346

    Outbrake of Black Plague

    Outbrake of Black Plague
    The Black Plague spread into Europe in the mid 1300's. It had a tremedous effect on the people considering it killed 25 million people. This one one-third of the people. This disease was first spread by rat fleas, but then person to person.
  • Aug 14, 1400

    Sailing Improvments

    Sailing Improvments
    All large exploration voyages were done over seas. However, the ships and navigational instruments were not the best quality. To allow better and faster sailing they improved the ships. This eventually led to the caravels.
  • Apr 5, 1406

    Ptolomey's Map

    Ptolomey's Map
    In 1406 the worlds best exsisting map was created. Due to the fact of the rediscovery in Western Europe. Ptolomey map Columbus believe Asia could be reached b sailing directly west. This was soon going to become his first voyage.
  • Sep 23, 1420


    Since major improvements of sailing ships in 1400 A.D. the first caravels were built. Caravels are small, fast sailing ships. They sat high on the water. Also during this time period an Asian ship enters the Atlantic Ocean by rounding the Cape of Good Hope.
  • Jun 3, 1492

    West Indies in the New World

    West Indies in the New World
    Columbus was the one to discover the West Indies in the New World. He also learns during this time period that compasses change direction slightly as longitude changes. Seven centuries later the last Moslems leave Spain forcefully. Leonardo also began to draw up a plan for a flying machine in 1492.
  • Feb 21, 1498

    America is Asia

    America is Asia
    On Christopher Columbus's voyage he runs into North America. He believes he has reached Asia since he thought he properly followed his map. Soon after his discovery other explorers will discover it is not Asia, but America.
  • Oct 11, 1499

    South America

    South America
    Amerigo Vespucchi was the next explorer after Columbus to reach North and South America. However, he realizes it is not Asia. After searching the land he discovers new life and plants. America is named after Amerigo.
  • Period: Jul 13, 1502 to Sep 16, 1504

    Four Voyages

    In 1502 Columbus set sail to complete four last voyages. His goal during these missions was to reach the New World. The New World was the Americas. By 1504 his goal was completed.
  • Apr 9, 1507

    Amerigo Vespucchi

    Amerigo Vespucchi
    By 1507 A.D. there was a new map created. It was titled, "America." However, this maps name was significant. Amerigo Vespucchi was the first to discover the southern continent in 1499. Therefore, the map was named in honor of him.
  • Oct 13, 1517

    Protest Reformation

    Protest Reformation
    Martin Luther was the first to start the Protest Reformation in Germany. The Protest Reformation was a split within Western Christianity.
  • Nov 13, 1519

    Southwestern Passage

    Southwestern Passage
    Many things were going on in 1519 A.D. First off, explorer and mariner Ferdinant Magellan left Spain to find a "southwestern passage" to Asia. Also, Hernan Cortez entered the Aztec Capital. His purpose behind this action was to formally meet with the Aztec emporer before exploring the land.
  • May 4, 1520

    Cape Horn

    Cape Horn
    While Magellan was on his voyage of finding a southwestern passage he reached Cape May. From this point he entered the Pacific Ocean and continued on.
  • Sep 18, 1522

    Voyage around the world

    Voyage around the world
    Magellan decided in 1522 to bring together all he had left. He had the remaining of his five original ships and his crew of seventeen men. After everything was in order they all set back to return to Spain. This would complete the first voyage around the world.
  • Period: Dec 15, 1577 to Feb 13, 1580

    Sir Francis Drake

    Sir Francis Drake was an English sea captain, privateer, navigator, slaver, and politician during his time. He ended up becoming ther first Englishman to circumnavigate the globe. Circumnavigating was a difficult task but with his great navigation skills he was capable of doing it.
  • Australia

    At this point every continent we know today was explored. Although if it was not for the Dutch Australia might not have been founded. Australia was founded in 1606.
  • Why these events

    I chose events that mainly had to do with improvements in ships, or technology and major accomplishments of explorers. First in 1420 caravels, or small, fast moving ships were built. This made sailing much easier on mariners. Then from 1498 to 1499 Columbus discovers part of the American continent, but thinks its Asia. However, Amerigo Vespucchi decided it was a new continent not more of Asia. Lastly, I chose that Sir Francis Drake circumnavigated the globe. This was by far the largest accomplis