Evolution of the Atom

  • 460

    Discovery of th Democitus Atom Theory (B.C.)

    Discovery of th Democitus Atom Theory (B.C.)
    Democitus discovered that all matter is made of atoms. he described them as large and round.
  • Dalton's discovery of a new system of chemical philosophy.

    Dalton's discovery of a new system of chemical philosophy.
    Dalton discovered that atoms are more complex than we thought. His theory said that everything it compromised of atoms and atoms were compromised of a nucleus and atoms orbiting it. He also thought that each subatomic particle was in a whole number ratio.
  • Thomson's version of the atom is descovered

    Thomson's version of the atom is descovered
    Thomson conducted many experiments and scattered light to discover his version of the atom - the Plum Pudding model. This model depicted a large sphere with smaller ones inside.
  • Rutherford's discovery of the nucleus

    Rutherford's discovery of the nucleus
    Rutherford added the nucleus concept to the atom. It was comprised of neutrons and protons and was orbited by electrons.
  • Bohr

    Bohr made the Bohr model of the atom
    He use the thought that when electrons bounced out of the elector cloud it creats radiation and light.
  • Heisenberg and Schordinger

    Heisenberg and Schordinger
    Discovered the electron cloud.
    He used the Matrix Mechanic to find this discovery.