Events of the French Revolution by Chelsea C.

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    Reign of Louis XIV

    Don't know how to get rid of the dates--- Sorry.
    • How long did he rule for?
    72 years!!
    What was his nickname and why?
    His nickname was “Sun King”. He gave himself this name because he thought that he was the light and life, basically the best thing going.
    • Describe Louis XIV as a ruler.
    He was greedy, I’d say. HE built himself a palace and forced the nobles to live there, and he made the nobles worship him in a way. Nothing could be done without his permission, so rather controlling.
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    Reign of Louis XV

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    Louis XVI marries Marie Antoinette

    Don't know how to change the second date.
    Austria, an enemy of French. I think it was a bad idea though, as she was hated by so many. It probably didn’t do anything to make the people hate Austria any less. She was 15 years old.
    1) the aristocracy/noble
    Didn’t like her much either, she used her own Austrian traditions, as well hiring people who weren’t right for French governing.
    2) the people of France
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    American Declaration of Independence

    • Which Philosphe's ideas greatly influence the Declaration of Independence.
    John Locke, Voltaire, Montesquieu, and Rousseau were the Philosphe’s who had the ideas were the ones that influenced the declaration of Independence.
    • What key beliefs are part of the Declaration of Independence?
    The belief that monarchy should get rid, giving people more freedom.
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    Affair of the Diamond Necklace

    She bought a lot of jewellery and spent way to much money, people didn’t like her much, that being one of the reasons.
    She took part in the affair of the diamond necklace, the jewels were worth more than the annual income of the ENTIRE!! country of France.
    People were angered that she would spend that much money on a necklace, when they were starving.
    I definitely think that it was a stupid move to make, it was selfish. People
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    Meeting of the Estates General

    • Which Estate had the most delegates?
    The third estate had the most delegates.
    • How did the Estates vote?
    Voted as a bloc.
    • How often did the Estates General meet?
    They didn’t meet very much.
    • What did the King want from the Estates General?
    He wanted them to help repair the tax systems.
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    Reign of Louis XVI

    • How long did he rule for?
    20 years
    • What was his response to the problems faced by the middle and lower classes during his reign?
    The country was pretty much going downhill, people were starving, nowhere to live. He didn’t do anything to fix the problems, as he should have, as he was a leader. So obviously people are going to hate him.
    • What did the middle class think of Louis XVI?
    They didn’t really think to highly of him.
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    Formation of the National Assembly

    • Who led the formation of the National Assembly?
    Count Mirabeau.
    • Where did they go to meet?
    They met at the royal tennis courts.
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    Tennis Court Oath

    That the tennis courts would be the meeting place until france was lead by a new leader. (I’m just wondering, was it like actually a literal tennis court?)
    • How did King Louis respond?
    He responded by forming a bit of democracy in France but it was rejected.
    • How did the people react?
    People were really happy, that he backed down!!
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    Fall of the Bastille

    People started rioting when the price of bread started getting pricy.
    • Why did the mob attack the prison?
    To set the prisoners free.
    • How did the King respond to the riots?
    He was pretty scared and sent out an army.
    • What did the citizens do to restore order after the fall?
    They created their own army called national guard.
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    The Great Fear

    They knew what was going on, they however weren’t afraid of the revolution more that they king would stop it. That would me
    I personally think it was because they were shallow. If you’re doing okay, enough money, good enough home, etc. Than why would you want a change? However the poorer people needed a change from starving from lack of food. So they were the ones all for the revolution.
    I think that I understand both sides, but I think that if people are starving the revolution was necessary.
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    National Assembly abolishes feudal rights

    • What did the National Assembly abolish?
    They abolished serfdom & feudal rights.
    • What did it declare?
    It made the declaration that all people were equal!!
    • Why did the women march to Versailles? (2 reasons)
    France was pretty much in ruins, people were still starving and suffering. The queen and king needed to see what was really going, the reality of France.
    • What did they do when they got there?
    They convinced the queen and king to come and look.
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    Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

    • What rights does this document guarantee?
    That people would have human rights and the government HAD to stick to this document. A good move, considering the poor treatment a lot of people were suffering.
    • What philosophers did it draw ideas from?
    John Locke, Rousseau. Voltaire, Montesquieu.
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    Women of Paris march to Versailles

    • Why did the women march to Versailles? (2 reasons)
    France was pretty much in ruins, people were still starving and suffering. The queen and king needed to see what was really going, the reality of France.
    • What did they do when they got there?
    They convinced the queen and king to come and look.
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    Louis XVI & Marie Antoinette attempt to escape France

    • Why did they try to escape?
    They didn’t like the way France was shaping up to be, they also wanted the monarchy back.
    • What happened when they were caught?
    They were sent back to live back in France, it was pretty much a failure they’re escape.
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    Legislative Assembly

    • What was the first thing the Legislative Assembly tried to establish?
    They tried to create a better governing system, as the one in France wasn’t working.
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    Execution of Louis XVI

    • Who decided to try the King for his crimes?
    National convention decided he needed to be tried for his crimes.
    • What was King known as at the time of his trial?
    He was known as Citizen Louis Capet.
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    Jean-Paul Marat - death

    • Describe Marat's role in the revolution. (1 point)
    Radical leader.
    • How was he murdered?
    Was stabbed in a bathtub.
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    Reign of Terror

    The political club responsible was the Jacbonsins.
    • What kinds of laws were passed by the revolutionary government that led to the Reign of Terror?
    Many laws were passed, one being (law of suspects), that a member of a Nobel family or someone who’d held office before the revolution were to be arrested!!
    • How were people executed?
    They were beheaded, which was such a wrong thing to do.
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    Execution of Marie Antoinette

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    Jacques Danton - death

    • What political club did he belong to?
    National Assembly.
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    Maximilien Robespierre - death

    Was one of the radical leaders of the French revolution.
    • What political club did he belong to?
    He belonged to the national assembly.
    • What modernizing changes were introduce in France under Robespierre's dictatorship?
    He brought in the metric system, got education for people, a better army. He changed France, made it stronger. So I don’t get why people were worried, it was a good thing.
    • How did Robespierre die? Why is this ironic?
    He tried to kill himself, and I’m not sure.
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    The Directory

    • What group of people were in control of the Directory?
    The middle class people.
    • What changes did the new government make?
    The new government that most of the people could own their own property, so more equal treatment.
    However some people were getting special treatment.