Events of my life

  • My birth

    My birth
    I had born on November 12, 2004 at 10:30 in the morning, my parents were happy when I was born.
  • My baptism

    My baptism
    I had baptized in the church of La Mesa, my godmother is my mother's best friend and my godfather is my uncle who died in an accident.
  • My parents marriage

    My parents marriage
    My parents had very happy because they were getting married
  • Enter to kindergarden

    Enter to kindergarden
    I had started to study in that year
  • I had learned to play video games

    I had learned to play video games
    The first video game i had learned to play was Call of duty: Modern Warfare 3, which wasn´t dificult for me to do.
  • My parents and i changed cities

    My parents and i changed cities
    We had moved to Bogota because we lived in a town and job opportunities were very scarce, and education is better in Bogota than in La Mesa.
  • My first time in the cinema

    My first time in the cinema
    The first movie I had seen with my parents was in the metropolis shopping center, and we saw Star Wars: Rogue One
  • Basketball team

    Basketball team
    I had joined a team called jaam two, shortly after entering, i went to a basketball pony tournament.
  • Musical genre

    Musical genre
    Before I hadn't defined a music genre but in 2019 I had realized that I really liked rock and currently my favorite band is Last Dinosaurs.
  • My ninth grade

    My ninth grade
    I had graduated from 9th grade at a police school that is bigger than the school where I was before.