Events Leading up to the Russian Evolution

  • Great Northern War

    Great Northern War
    The Great Northern War lasted from 1700 to 1721 this was between Sweden and Russia. The leader of Sweden Charles XII, and Peter the Great saw that Charles XII was a soft target. It started from the anti-Swedish coalition that included Russia. In the end Russia had power over the Baltic Sea.
  • Decembrist Revolt

    Decembrist Revolt
    Liberals revolted against the czar Nicholas I in St. Petersburg. They felt threatened by the conservative views of the new Czar. Some reasons why they did not care about Nicholas I being the ruler is because they thought he didn’t deserve the throne. They also wanted Russia to be a free country.
  • Czar Alexander II emancipates the serfs

    Czar Alexander II emancipates the serfs
    The Czar Alexander II asked to consider making an emancipation for the serfs to abolish serfdom. In 1858 a commintee of nine people met in St. Petersburg and made the desicion to abolsih serfdom. The emancipation was called Manifesto. This allowed serfs to be free and there would be a commune of serfs that were responsible for distributing land, collecting taxes, and providing recruits for the military.
  • Assassination of Alexander II

    Assassination of Alexander II
    Alexander II was assassinated in a plot in St. Petersburg. Alexander was riding in a carrage to attend the military roll call. A member from the People's Will, Nickolai Rysakov carried a bomb in a white bag that blew up the carrige, but failed to get the emporer. He was captured instantly. They had a back up bomb that another man named Ignaty Grinevitsky threw a bomb that landed next to the emporer's feet. He bled to death and then died.
  • Russo-Japanese War

    Russo-Japanese War
    The Russo Japanese War lasted a year. It was an imperial rival between the Japanese and the Russian. The Japanese Navy attacked the Russian eastern fleet at Port Arthur, and refused negotiations with Russia. The Japanese seeked war to gain dominance over Korea. The Russians were defeated becuase of their lack of organization, and the countries had a series of land and sea battles
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Father Gapon and unarmed men, women, and children marched up to the Winter Palace where Nicholos II was to adress a petition on work. Inicent men, women, and children were shot by the soilders gaurding the palace. 4,000 people were killed. Nicholas II described the day as "painful and sad".
  • Revolution of 1905

    Revolution of 1905
    This Revolution consisted of unrest of political and economic stuff followed by workers on strike, and peasant unrest in Russia. It started off with the liberals wanting more political democracy, and more workers went on strike. The liberals created unions that were an establishment to the Constitutional Monarchy. Eventually they created a constitution. Many events ocurred soon after this: Bloody Sunday and the Russo-Japanese War that started off the revolution.
  • World War (Russia)

    World War (Russia)
    World War I started in 1914 and ended in 1918. In World WarI Russia was called the Soviet Union. The czar Nicholas the II lead Russia into World War I. At the beginning of the war the Ramonavs were no longer in control of Russia. The Russian army was weakened by military disasters in Masurian Lakes. Around 1917 Lenin came to power and introduced communism to Russia
  • March Revolution

    March Revolution
    This revolution started when 90,000 textile workers protested on the shortage of bread and fuel. By the end of the week 40,000 more people joined the revolution. The czar banned protesting and sent the military to shoot the protesters. Instead the army shot their leaders and joined the cause.
  • Czar Nicholas II abdicates Russian throne

    Czar Nicholas II abdicates Russian throne
    Strikes, and military revolts caused the Czar Nicholas II to abdicate his Russian throne. Other events like the Russo-Japanese War they lost; people saw Nicholas II as a weak ruler. He also led their country into World War I. It was very costly and Russian people became discontent with food and soldiers became ill.