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Europe 1933-1945

  • Period: to

    Europe 1933-1945

  • Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany
    Adolf Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany by President Von Hindenburg
  • Period: to

    Nazi Germany (Third Reich)

  • Auxiliary army (SA and SS)

    Auxiliary army (SA and SS)
    40,000 SA and SS men are sworn in as auxiliary police.
  • The Reichstag burned

    The Reichstag burned
    Nazis burn Reichstag building to create crisis atmosphere. Accusing the the Communists
  • Hitler gest emergency powers

    Hitler gest emergency powers
    Emergency powers granted to Hitler as a result of the Reichstag fire, he got what he wanted by burning the Reichstag, this is to say he got his objective
  • Depression in Britain

    Depression in Britain
    The deprresion gets to Britan and wrecked traditional manufacturing industries
  • Depression in France

    Depression in France
    They were a lot of unemployment and a big economic crisis in the country
  • Enabling Law

    Enabling Law
    German Parliament passes Enabling Act giving Hitler dictatorial powers
  • Gestapo born

    Gestapo born
    The Gestapo is born, created by Hermann Göring in the German state of Prussia. A secret police, to to implement the fear on the Germany people
  • Germany leaves the league of nations

    Germany leaves the league of nations
    As Hitler took the power he decided to leave this league, because he was planning to conquer all europe
  • Conscription in Germany

    Conscription in Germany
    By this, the number of soldiers in Germany increases massively. The limits on German military power in the Treaty of Versailles had been completely overturned.
  • The night of the long knives

    The night of the long knives
    The Night of Long Knives occurs as Hitler, Göring and Himmler conduct a purge of the SA (storm trooper) leadership.
  • President of the Reichstag dies

    President of the Reichstag dies
    German President von Hindenburg dies
  • Hitler becomes their Führer.

    Hitler becomes their Führer.
    As Von Hindemburg dies, one days before, Hitler he self-proclaims their Fuhrer
  • Hitler receives support

    Hitler receives support
    Hitler receives a 90 percent 'Yes' vote from German voters approving his new powers.
  • Jews banned from military service

    Jews banned from military service
    Nazis ban Jews from serving in the military.
  • Rearmament in Germany beggins

    Rearmament in Germany beggins
    Hitler decides to start rearmming beucase his new objective was to conquer all Europe
  • Strict laws in Germany against Jews

    Strict laws in Germany against Jews
    Nuremberg Race Laws against Jews decreed.
  • Re-militarisation of the Rhineland

    Re-militarisation of the Rhineland
    Nazis occupy the Rhineland, after the First World War this was a neutral zone, decided by the Treaty of Versailles,
  • End of war in Abyssinia

    End of war in Abyssinia
    End of the war in Abyssinia, Italy won
  • Himmler chief of the polic

    Himmler chief of the polic
    Heinrich Himmler is appointed chief of the German Police.
  • Civil war erupts in Spain

    Civil war erupts in Spain
    A civil war is iniciated between Franco against differents unconformed people of the military force
  • Franco declared head of Spanish State.

    Franco declared head of Spanish State.
    Then of the civil war, Franco won it, he also had the support from Hitler and Musolinni
  • Rome-Berlin Axis

    Rome-Berlin Axis
    Mussolini and Hitler signed a pact, that both countries they defend each other if they were attacted
  • Hitler reveals war plans

     Hitler reveals war plans
    During Hossbach Conference he reveals his plans to conquer all Europe
  • Anschuluss with Austria

    Anschuluss with Austria
    Hitler anex with Austria
  • Chamberlain appeases Hitler

    Chamberlain appeases Hitler
    British Prime Minister Chamberlain appeases Hitler at Munich, they gave him the advice that Germany had to stop attacking different countries, if not a explosion of a new war, it would be caused.
  • Nazi troops occupy the Sudetenland.

    Nazi troops occupy the Sudetenland.
    Germany invaded what was left of Czechoslovaquia.
  • Nazis take Czechoslovakia

    Nazis take Czechoslovakia
    Nazi troops seize Czechoslovakia, Hitler was going on with his objective of over-taking all europe
  • Nazis and Soviets sign Pact.

    Nazis and Soviets sign Pact.
    Finally, Stalin decided by doing a pact with Hitler, because he knew that the soviets where the determination factor of the war, and also because Germany said that it would give more benefits than the other powers
  • Nazis invade Poland.

    Nazis invade Poland.
    This is said, it was a determinator fact for the outbreak of the Second World War
  • The Second World War started

    The Second World War started
    Britain, France, Australia and New Zealand declare war on Germany. This caused by the invasion of Germany to Poland
  • Nazis invade France, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands

     Nazis invade France, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands
    Because of this invation, in France, Winston Churchill becomes British Prime Minister.
  • German Blitz against Britain begins.

    German Blitz against Britain begins.
    The battle, continues on Britain
  • Massive German air raid on London.

    Massive German air raid on London.
    The attack against Britain continues
  • Operation Barbarossa begins.

    Operation Barbarossa begins.
    Germany attacks Soviet Union as Operation Barbarossa begins.
    The USSR is invaded, disrupting the agreement they had signed just two years before. Hitler sent there more than 3 million men stormed into the USSR.
  • Jews gets orders

    Jews gets orders
    German Jews ordered to wear yellow stars.
  • Hitler declares war on the United States.

    Hitler declares war on the United States.
    As United States before, declared the war to Japan, that was allie of Germany, she decied to declare the war to EE.UU.
  • Hitler declares war on the United States

    Hitler declares war on the United States
    resident Roosevelt then asks Congress for a declaration of war on Germany saying, "Never before has there been a greater challenge to life, liberty and civilization." The U.S.A. then enters the war in Europe and will concentrate nearly 90 percent of its military resources to defeat Hitler.
  • First Battle of El Alamein.

    First Battle of El Alamein.
    During the battle of El Alamein, the German army was defeated.
  • Casablanca conference

    Casablanca conference
    Between Churchill and Roosevelt. During the conference, Roosevelt announces the war can end only with "unconditional German surrender."
  • Italian surrender to Allies is announced.

    Italian surrender to Allies is announced.
    Italy was getting defeat in all the wars, so decide to advice to her allies of his surrender.
  • Germans rescue Mussolini.

    Germans rescue Mussolini.
    One they before, Germans reached and occupy Rome, and they could release Mussolini
  • Germans out of Africa

    Germans out of Africa
    Germans begin a withdrawal from Tunisia, Africa. it lost all the territores from this zone.
  • Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin meet at Yalta.

    Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin meet at Yalta.
    In this conference they argued about, "Declaration on Liberated Europe."
  • Liberation of Paris.

    Liberation of Paris.
    The other powers (Britain, and EE.UU.) recovered Paris.
  • German Surrender

    German Surrender
    German is forced by the Soviets to surrender in the Ruhr
  • Musolinni is murdered

    Musolinni is murdered
    Mussolini is captured and hanged by Italian partisans; Allies take Venice.
  • Adolf Hitler commits suicide.

    Adolf Hitler commits suicide.
    As he was cornered, and Germany, was under the power of Soviets, he decided to end with his life.
  • V-J Day: Victory over Japan proclaimed

    V-J Day: Victory over Japan proclaimed
    Japanese agree to unconditional surrender.
  • United Nations is born.

    United Nations is born.
    The United Nations was created in order to provide a global forum for all nations to come together and discuss issues and global problems, as well as attempt to solve these issues through global cooperation.