Environmental Change Timeline

  • Feb 17, 1000

    10,000 BC fire was created to cook food

  • Feb 17, 1000

    10,000 BC hunter-gatherers weapons

    They used stone, wood, bones, and antlers as their weapons to hunt for food and to defend themselves
  • Feb 16, 1500

    By 1500 a few cultures relied on hunting animals and some are gatherers for plants and other crops

  • Jethro Tull invented the seed driller

    A mechanical seed planter to plant all sorts of crops.
  • Enclosure of land look place

  • General Enclosure Act was made

  • 20,000 Parisians died

    During the industrial Revolution pepole doed from water pollution in sewages
  • London and Paris had 1 and 2.4 million inhabitants

    During Industrial Revolution
  • Smog kills 700 people

    During the Industrial Revolution smoke from factories causes pollution in the air
  • Digital Revolution began

  • Majority of the people started using the internet and smart phones

  • A bionic eye was created