Sophomore year 006

English Review

By henkel1
  • May 11, 1492

    Christopher Columbus Lands in West Indies

    Start of Colonization/Contact. Any quote that relates to wonder or naming things
  • Period: May 12, 1492 to


    This timespan has a lot to deal with contact where we see the start of Columbus first seeing the Indies and everything being colonization after that
    Here we see the start of the Atlantic World, where anything written about America or in it is placed into a part of new lit.
    Colonization is a huge issues within these texts becuase they are placing the Indians as either inferior or unable to fight for themselves
    Shows Puritan need for settlement in America, Puritan ideals based on religious needs
  • Period: May 12, 1492 to

    Walter Benjamin's Historicism vs. Historical materialism

    Throughout the course, we have looked at the overall idea of historicism, where it is seen as the past only in the past (Emerson). Historical materialism is saying that althought we are building a new future, we are building off the past and it is always part of us.
    The Angel
  • May 11, 1552

    Las Casas publishes "The Very Brief Relation of the Devastation of the Indies."

    Any quote dealing with the ill treatment of the Indians. Contact/Colonization
    Pearl divers: Evils--however soemtimes is hard because he doesn't always see them as equal
  • Thomas Harriot Publishes "A brief and True Report of the New FOund Land of Virginia"

    Any quote that is trying to be scientific but shows the better civilization of British
    Anthropologist, leans towards why British are superior--dominance in technology
  • William Bradford Publishes "Of Plymouth Plantation"

    Shows Puritan Beliefs. Typology. Structure. Anything that deals with everyday life (the boy and the animals)
    Detailed account that shows where things such as New England Fallacy comes from, where everyone believes that people left fto gain a new nation--religiou sfreedom (Perry Miller firs tot think New Engalnd Puritans had anything to do with Revolution)
    Also deals wtih American exceptionalism: America is something different than other nations
  • Thomas Morton had the Mayday Celebration

    This looks at the Puritan's reaction to any other writing than the ones directed towards faith. It shows a person willing to fight against norms who is persecuted, although Puritans had left to receive religious tolerance, they are not tolerant
    people misread poem because they are looking for providential signs
  • Mary Rowlandson is captured

    Speaks about captivity in novel: reformation, some part of her becomes savage
    Herumeneutics where everything is providential signs or biblical typology (Old Tesatment Moses prefigures the New Testament Christ)
    Providential Signs: everything that happens is part of God's design
  • Cotton Mather/Salem Witch Trials

    This is a jeremiad showing God's displeasure and wrath
    Shows teh falling of the Puritans and how they are losing merit
    Start to look at something more than God, trying to make him so important that htey see bad in everything
  • Thomas Jefferson speaks in autobiography and his Notes on the State of Virginia

    This looks at nationalism--proud to be in America
    Yeoman republic: keep machines in Britain
    Climotology (climate affects how successful a place is and who is above who) vs. Stadialism (everything is in cycle)
    Show neoclassical form with the fact that it emphasizes reason, order, symmatry, balance, control and simplicity in his charts
  • Period: to


    This has to deal with the growing of the nation, creating something that is no longer part of Britain and breaking off from the mother country. It has to deal with politics. Has some questions on slavery but mostly looking at white
    Man's emergence from sel-imposed immaturaity and have courage to use own understanding (Immanuel Kant)
  • Phyllis Wheatley published first poem "On Being brought from Africa to America"

    First African American woman writer
    Writes in heroic couplet: neoclassical aesthetic emphasizing symmetry and balance
    lyric form--everything
  • Benjamin Franklin writes the 1st part of Autobiography

    This is a lok at Franklin as a British subject who is Creole (born in America and identifies with distant empire) and is still part of both. He talks of his Errata and growing up
    Patriot who identified with America
  • Thomas Paine's Common Sense and Declaration of Independance

    Nationalism--against Tories
  • Copley's Watson and the Shark is painted

    TOry who was sympathetic towards England
  • Charles Peale exumes the Mastodon

    Shows that we are not inferior to Britain in Jefferson's argument
    Has something to deal with Benedict Anderson and his Imagined Communities--Print Culture thesis states nations are invented with imagined connections that are only kept through printed texts
  • Kant Writings

    Kant was a philosopher who spoke about the Enlightenment being a point where men began to move into adulthood
  • Start of Benjamin Franklin's 2nd part of Autobiography & The Federalist

    This shows a distance because it is after the Revolution has started--less sympathetic to Britain
    The Federalist is being written by John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, and Madison under a pseudonym of Publius -- calling to rise Americans against British
    Starts after Revolution
  • Olaudah Equaiano published "Narrative of the Life"

    Slave narrative--gains independance
    Questions people's treatment of slaves
    Brings into thought of Paul Gilroy's idea of the Black Atlantic:--central figure
    Slave narrative: reformation, literacy
  • Judith Sargent Murray writes her "On the Equality of the Sexes"

  • Hannah Webster wrtes "The Coquette"

    Looks at the seductive novel in a very Enlgihtened stance -- she is at fault for reading of bad things with no substance
    Coverture: a woman has no power once she is married
    Fallen woman: Eliza Wharton has no ability to make herself better--no social empowerment once she has become fallen
    Epistolary novel: written in letter form
  • Nat Turner lives

    Dies in 1831.
    Shows the start of political unrest in slavery
    SHows the need for legitimacy...did he really write it?
    A lot about killing in a matter-of-fact way.
  • Period: to

    The Black Hole

    Timespan where growth of the country shows an overall lack in literary merit
  • Irving publishes his sketch book

    This shows some of the frist writings of American culture, building literary nationalism for it is set in America and speaks about relatiable things -- American Renaissance
    Ironically, first published in Britain then sent to America
  • Period: to


    Unreason before reason
    Feeling above logic
  • The Pioneers is written by James Fenimore Cooper

    Shows the historical novel: can really happen and is set in past. (Georg Lukacs)
    Formal realism: can happen in real life
    political undertones
  • The Last of the Mohicans

    See the Pioneers
  • Frederic Douglas lives

    Lives until 1850
    Very white, analytical view of slavery
    call to action, not emotion
    He has a chiasmus where he has a turning point between a man and a slave
    wants abolition throguhout workds
  • Emerson publishes Nature

    Start of Transcendentalism with one part aesthetics, one part philosphy, one part theology
    Writes as if he is lecturing often, and he starts a new set of wriers that are devoted to thinking about life and looking at inner self
    cookie-cutter sentances. Anything that can stand alone
    Emerson, Thoreau, Hawthorne, Melville, and Whitman swere all American Renaissance according to F.O. Matthiessan
  • The Cherokee Memorials and Edgar Allan Poe publishes his works in magazines

    This goes until 1845, and deals with the plight of Indians
    Poe shows a new definition of genre and the importance of the public sphere wanting knowledge, even though he rejected it
    Poe did not want to write for the public sphere--Habermas agreed that it was a decline
    Wrote against market revolution where everything was becoming a commodity
    Sentimental novel and gothic were redefined during his time for he used them psychologically
    Different genre conventions
    Tried to write for high culture a
  • Henry David Thoreau publishes Walden

    Shows how Emerson has begun to affect others by loking at natural way of things
  • Melville publishes works such as "The Tartarus of Maids" and "The Paradise of Bachelors"

    He often deals in Romantic Sublime where things are overwhelming and scary
    Dealt in Young America (antebellum movement devoted to cultureal nationalism, often contrasted to Transcendentalism)
    Within his two texts, he has a dyad
  • Harriet Beacher Stowe's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" becomes serialized

    Print culture goes to the masses quickly--great affect
    Starts Civil War
    Sentimental novel in a different light: Uncle Tome is feminized and Eliza is not punished for disrespecting her role--not compartmentalized within the house
    Touches on seperate spheres where men and women have little dichotomy
  • Walt Whitman publishes "Leaves of Grass"

    End-Stop line
    Free verse: poetry without conventional meter and rhyme
    Catalogue: how he makes form within his words
  • Period: to

    Civil War

  • Emily Dickinson

    Dickinson's writings first get published
    Fascicle: booklets she placed it it