Developmental Milestone Timeline

  • Birth

  • Period: to

    Sensorimotor Stage

    Object Permanance and cognitive development
  • Period: to

    Trust Vs. Mistrust Stage of Phychosocial Development

    Is the needs of a child are met the infants gain a sense of basic trust (infancy to 1 year)
  • Raise Head to 45 degrees (2 months)

    Physical and motor development
  • Roll over (2.8 months)

    Physical and Motor development
  • Sit with Support (4 months)

    Physicak and otor development
  • Sit without support (5.5 months)

    Physical development
  • Pull self to standing position (7.6 months)

    Physical and motor development
  • Walk holding on to furniture (9.2 months)

    Physical and motor development
  • Creep (10 months)

    Physical and motor development
  • Difficult Temperment

    Newborns are usualy the most reactive at this age and can be difficult in the sense of irritability, intense, and unpredictable.
  • Easy Temperament

    When the baby is cheerful, relaxed and predictable. (9 month old baby)
  • Slow to Warm up Temperament

    Babies that resist from new peole and different situations (9 month old baby)
  • Stand Alone (11.5 months)

    Physical and motor development
  • Period: to

    Autonomy Vs. Shame and doubt Stages of Psychosocial Development

    Todlers learn to explore their willingness to do things for themselves, or doubt their abilities (1 to 3 years old) Todlerhood
  • Walk (12.1 months)

    Physical and motor development
  • Period: to

    Preoperational stage

    Repeating things with words and images; using intuitive rather than logical reasoning
  • Period: to

    Initiative Vs. Guilt Stages of Psychosocial Development

    Preschoolers learn to take tasks and feel guilty about their efforts to be independent. (3 to 6 years old)
  • Period: to

    Industry Vs. Inferiority Stages of Psychosocial Development

    When a child learns the pleasure of applying themselves to tasks or they feel inferior. (Elementry School 6 years to puberty)
  • Period: to

    Concrete Operational

    Thinking logically about concrete events; grasping concrete analogies and performing arithmetical operations
  • Preconventional Morality

    This happens before the age of nine and children focus mainly on obeying rules to avoid punishment or to gain rewards.
  • Pberty (Menarche)

    A surge of hormones, which may intensify moods and triggers a two year period of rabid physical development. Some physical changes that may occur are breasts and hips in girls.
  • Period: to

    Formal Operational

    Abstract Logic; Abstract Reasoning. From 12 through adulthood (21) Potential for mature moral reasoning
  • Puberty (Spermache)

    A surge of hormones, which may intensify moods and which trigger a two year period of rapid physical development starting at the age of 13 in boys. Some physical changes that occure are facial hair and being stronger.
  • Period: to

    Identity Vs. Role Confusion Stages of Psychosocial Development

    Teenagers test theirselves by roles and integration from single identy, becoming confused about who they are. (Adolescense teen years into 20's)
  • Conventional Morality

    This happens by early adolescence; focuses on caring for others and following laws and rules simply because they are laws and rules
  • Postconventional Morality

    With the abstract reasoning of formal operational thought, people may reach a third moral level. Judging actions from right to wrong, basic ethical principles.
  • Period: to

    Early Adulthood (20-40)

    Sensory Changes:
    Visual sharpness diminishes, perception distance weakens, muscle strength.
    Cognitive Changes:
    Early Adulthood-apply and use their knowledge, and analytical skills.
    Social Changes:
    Men in the U.S mary at the age of 36 and women typically mary at the age of 27. The average age to have a child is 25-26 in the U.S.
  • Period: to

    Intimacy Vs. Isolation Stages of Psychosocial Development

    Young adults struggle to form a relationship and to gain the capacity of intimate love, or they feel socially isolated. (20's to early 40's)
  • Period: to

    Generativity Vs. Stagnation Stages of Psychosocial Development

    Middle age people who discover a sense of contribution to the world, or they may feel a lack of purpose. (40's through 60's)
  • Period: to

    Middle Adulthood (40-65)

    Physical Changes:
    Decline in fertility, Menopause happens in 50's. Menopause is when a woman ends her menstrul cycle. The retnia of the eye does not recieve as much light by the age of 65 (sensory ability).
    Cognitive Change:
    memory creativity and intelligence
    Social Changes:
    Midlife Transition happens around the age of 45. Midlife transition means a time when you become unstable mentaly and emotionaly for your health, exploring new options, trying to have a change in your life for the better
  • Period: to

    Integrity Vs. Despair Stages of Psychosocial Development

    Reflecting on his or her life, an older adult may feel a sense of satisfaction or failure. (Late adulthood 60's and up)
  • Period: to

    Late Adulthood (65+)

    Physical Change:
    More susceptible to short term illness; brain neuron's die;life satisfaction declines after age 65. The body's disease- fighting immune system weakens (sensory abilities)
    Cognitive Change:
    Dementia and Alzheimer's disease is more likely to get until the age of 95. Crystallized intelligence- increases up to old age, our accumulated knowledge and Fluid Intelligence- decreases slowly up to age 75, ability to reason and problem solving.
  • Average Life Expectancy

    80 years old for men and for women it is 81 years old