development timeline

  • week 1

    week 1
    your body begins to prepare for pregnancy, common side effects are cramps. fatigue, and being or feeling bloated.
  • week 2

    week 2
    ovulation starts, which allows your egg to fertilize. it begins to form the baby human.
  • week 3

    week 3
    conception occurs, the fertilized egg will divide into hundreds of cells and now called a blastocyst.
  • week 4

    week 4
    the ball of cells becomes an embryo, you could get a positive result on a pregnancy test.
  • week 5

    week 5
    the circulatory system begins to form. your baby is growing fast and it resembles a tadpole.
  • week 6

    week 6
    baby is the size of a pomegranate seed. the nose, mouth, ears, brain, and intestines begin to develop.
  • week 7

    week 7
    your baby doubles in size from the past week. it has a tail that will soon disappear.
  • week 8

    week 8
    nerve cells branch out and form primitive neural pathways. baby stars moving, but you won't feel it.
  • week 9

    week 9
    The baby has a tiny earlobe. the embryonic tail has disappeared. the basic physiology is in place.
  • week 10

    week 10
    baby has completed the most critical position of development. its limbs can bend, however, the baby still has translucent skin.
  • week 11

    week 11
    the baby is almost fully formed but still is tiny. since the diaphragm is developing baby is experiencing hiccuping. mom doesn't feel it
  • week 12

    week 12
    fingers will soon be able to open and close. baby's reflex begins to kick in.
  • week 13

    week 13
    last week of the first trimester. The baby has tiny fingers with formed fingerprints. its veins and organs are now visible.
  • week 14

    week 14
    the baby starts using facial muscles: brain impulses begin to fire. kidneys are now functioning.
  • week 15

    week 15
    baby eyelids are closed shut but are able t sense it because of it's sensitivity.
  • week 16

    week 16
    legs are more developed. the scalp pattern is formed but the hair is not yet visable.
  • week 17

    week 17
    The baby's skeleton is hardening to the bone, able to move joints, the umbilical cord is growing strong.
  • week 18

    week 18
    baby flexes arms and legs, mom can feel movements internally.
  • week 19

    week 19
    baby's sense to begin to develop smell, vision, touch, taste, and hearing. the baby may be able to hear mom's voice.
  • week 20

    week 20
    The baby is able to swallow, the digestive system is producing a dark, sticky, goo that will pass in the fist poop.
  • week 21

    week 21
    baby kicks change from flutters to actual kicks and jabs the wall of your womb.
  • week 22

    week 22
    baby's lips and brows are more distinct. the whole baby looks like a tiny newborn.
  • week 23

    week 23
    The baby's ear is functioning and may be able to recognize seconds once they are out of the womb.
  • week 24

    week 24
    The baby's skin is thin and translucent. The baby seems long and learn but will soon become chubbier.
  • week 25

    week 25
    baby's wrinkled skin is filled up with the baby's fat. hair is coming out.
  • week 26

    week 26
    The baby is inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid which helps develop its lungs.
  • week 27

    week 27
    last week of the second trimester, it sleeps and wakes on a regular schedule. the brain is active.
  • week 28

    week 28
    The baby's eyesight is developing, it's abe to blink and sense light. lashes are growing.
  • week 29

    week 29
    baby muscles and lungs are preparing to begin to function fro when they are born.
  • week 30

    week 30
    The baby is surrounded by paint and a half of amniotic fluid. soon there will be less of it as the baby grows.
  • week 31

    week 31
    baby can turn its had side to side. a protective layer of fat is forming under the skin.
  • week 32

    week 32
    mom is gaining around a pound each week. part of the weight gained is for the baby.
  • week 33

    week 33
    baby skull bones aren't fused yet. it helps when they go through the birth canal because they shift.
  • week 34

    week 34
    baby lungs and central nervous system are maturing.
  • week 35

    week 35
    the baby liver is beginning to work, kidneys are fully developed, and the baby is feeling sung in the womb.
  • week 36

    week 36
    The baby starts to gain an ounce a day.
  • week 37

    week 37
    due date is very close, the baby may seem like a newborn already, but is not developed enough or ready enough to be born.
  • week 38

    week 38
    baby eye color isn't fully pigmented, so although they make look blue or green when she or he is born they will more likely change.