N22500325 30166911 2049

Deborah Carlin

  • Birth

    I was born at Beaumont Hospital. I weighed 8lbs 4 oz
  • Period: to

    Deby's Life

  • First 2 YRS: Biosocial Development

    First 2 YRS: Biosocial Development
    Was Breast- fed because my Mother wanted to ensure that I had all of the correct nutrients in my diet.
  • First 2 yrs:Biosocial development-

    First 2 yrs:Biosocial development-
    Weight, height, motor skills were all norm. I was taller than the the other children in my age group, but doctor said that is often expected.
  • First 2 Yrs:Biosocial Development- Walking

    First 2 Yrs:Biosocial Development- Walking
    Gross motor skills-started walking appox: 13 months
  • First 2 Yrs: Cognitive Development

    First 2 Yrs: Cognitive Development
    was babbling a lot and after the 1st year my first word was doggie. We had a german sheppard growing up and I would follow him around the house.
  • Baby Sister was Born

    Baby Sister was Born
    Had a new baby sister- Dayna
  • First 2 Yrs: Cognitive Development

    First 2 Yrs: Cognitive Development
    I was always used to playing with my grandmothers phone since my Mom would hand me the phone when she would call. I was using habituation since I was always used to hearing her voice on the phone.
  • First 2 Yrs: Psychosocial Development

    First 2 Yrs: Psychosocial Development
    Routinely went to family day care, but often cried and had problems adjusting when my Mom was not around.
  • potty trained

    potty trained
    My Mother swears that I was potty trained right at 1.5 months.
  • First 2 Yrs: Psychosocial Development

    First 2 Yrs: Psychosocial Development
    Since having a little baby sister my Mother said I had a very good temperament because I would always want to hold her. I would be classified in the easy category.
  • Play Yrs: Biosocial Development

    Play Yrs: Biosocial Development
    My eating habits were strange. I only liked to eat mac and cheese, hot dogs and peanut butter & jelly sandwiches. i was getting all of the calories I needed to properly function and maintain a balanced diet.
  • Devon Born

    Devon Born
    Baby sister #2 born- Devon
  • Play Yrs: Biosocial Development

    Play Yrs: Biosocial Development
    I would eat and write with my right hand, but I would play sports and brush my teeth with my left hand. I didn't favor one hand versus the other, but it was considered normal by the doctors.
  • Play Yrs: Cognitive Development

    Play Yrs: Cognitive Development
    Language- in my early childhood I was extremely good at spelling and vocabulary. I was entered in a lot of spelling bees.
  • Play Yrs: Cognitive Development

    When I was younger my Mother was teaching me spanish because she was going to school and learning spanish at the same time. I wish that was something that she continued to teach me. I still remember a few words, but I'm definately not bilingual.
  • Play Yrs: Psychosocial Development

    Play Yrs: Psychosocial Development
    I knew that I was a little girl, but I played rough with all the boys. I didn't like playing with dolls. Instead I would be outside playing soccer with the boys.
  • Play Yrs: Psychosocial Development

    Play Yrs: Psychosocial Development
    I learned through Permissive parenting styles from my Mother. She was there more to guide me to make the right choices, but never really inforced right or wrong.
  • School Yrs: Biosocial Development

    School Yrs: Biosocial Development
    I was involved in soccer leagues year round. I was always the only girl on the team. I felt good about myself when I played well and scored at the game.
  • School Yrs: Cognitive Development

    School Yrs: Cognitive Development
    I was always amazed with projects in science fairs. I was always curious and wanted to learn more.
  • School Yrs: Biosocial Development

    School Yrs: Biosocial Development
    I entered kindergarden right at the cut off age of 4.5 years old. I was very mature for my age. I was able to dress and feed myself. I loved going to McDonalds and playing in the play pens with my friends. I often received medals on the schools field days through the school.
  • School Yrs: Psychosocial Development

    School Yrs: Psychosocial Development
    I had a lot of friends while growing up. I usually hung out with other kids that enjoyed playing sports as much as myself. I was not very aware of bullies in my school, since I wasn't ever picked on.
  • School Yrs: Psychosocial Development

    School Yrs: Psychosocial Development
    There ws some family trouble this year. My father found out he had cancer and passed away. Things were very hard on my family since my Mother had to go back to work after being a housewife since I was born.
  • Adolescence: Biosocial Development

    Adolescence: Biosocial Development
    Started developing acne due to stress in school and liking boys. I liked my body image because I was always active and continued to play sports.
  • Adolscence: Biosocial Development

    Adolscence: Biosocial Development
    Had some friends that tried having sex and drugs, but I never tried those things. I was scared to think of hurting my body, I would often collect stamps in my spare time to stay away from those negative crowds.
  • Adolescence: Cognitive Development

    Adolescence: Cognitive Development
    I was very smart and love to learn things in school. I was often the comedian within the classroom.
  • Adolescence: Cognitive Development

    Adolescence: Cognitive Development
    I would base most of my decisions on analytic thought, where I would look at the pros and cons of the situation. This was also when I started high school.
  • Adolescence: Psychosocial Development

    Adolescence: Psychosocial Development
    I was brought up in a Catholc home. I decided to go to a Baptist church and formed my religious idenity through those beliefs.
  • Adolescence: Psychosocial Development

    Adolescence: Psychosocial Development
    I would often get very angry with my Mother, I was upset that my father wasn't around anymore and I look it out on her. I did have peers and counslors that I would often talk to to destress. I think it was just a time in my life that I needed to outgrow.
  • Emerging Adulthood: Biosocial Development

    Emerging Adulthood: Biosocial Development
    Was more involved in taking risks at this age. I would want to go skydiving and on the "dangerous" trips.
  • Emerging Adulthood: Biosocial Development

    Emerging Adulthood: Biosocial Development
    Graduated highschool. Also had first real boyfriend who was 2 years older than me.
  • Emerging Adulthood: Cognitive Development

    Emerging Adulthood: Cognitive Development
    Was getting used to living away from home for college in Kalamazoo. I was able to experience more diverse groups and create more relationships with different ethnic backgrounds.
  • Emerging Adulthood: Cognitive Development

    Emerging Adulthood: Cognitive Development
    Decided to Study Abroad in Australia to experience new people and new cultrues.
  • Emerging Adulthood: Psychosocial Development

    I have had a lot more bad relationships with women than men. Most of my friends at this time were male. I didn't like dealing with all the drama. I would hang out with the guys because we would all want to have a good time and we would do just that.
  • Emerging Adulthood: Psychosocial Development

    Emerging Adulthood: Psychosocial Development
    Broke up with former highschool boyfriend. Leaned on friends for support and met a new boyfriend. Was still learning a lot about my life and what I wanted to do after college at this time.
  • Adulthood: Biosocial Development

    Adulthood: Biosocial Development
    Realising that I was an adult. Stressed about finding a job and being successful. Turned 21 right before I graduated college and was very happy to finally go to the bars with my friends.
  • Graduated WMU

    Graduated WMU
    Graduated WMU with BA in Sales/MKTG
  • Adulthood: Biosocial Development

    Adulthood: Biosocial Development
    Understanding that physical fitness and improved nutrition is a must. Was in a car accident earlier this year and gained some weight since I couldn't walk. This is why I know it's so important now to have a good balance in my life.
  • Adulthood: Cognitive Development

    Adulthood: Cognitive Development
    Started working at Thomson Tax and Accounting and using my college degree.
  • Maddison was born

    Maddison was born
    My niece Maddison was born. I'm an Aunt!
  • Ran 20k

    Ran 20k
    Raised 5k and ran 20k for charity
  • Adulthood: Psychosocial Development

    Adulthood: Psychosocial Development
    midlife crisis.I was laid off from my job. I felt very depressed and was second guessing what I wanted to do with my life. I knew that I wanted to go into the nursing field, I just didn't know when.
  • Late Adulthood: Biosocial Development

    Late Adulthood: Biosocial Development
    Want to be married and having kids by this age. Maintain a healthy diet and eat ealthy foods.
  • Late Adulthood: Cognitive Development

    Late Adulthood: Cognitive Development
    Still have good memory, stay healthy and alert and prevent diseases. Read lots of books and knit to keep my mind active.
  • Late Adulthood: Psychosocial Development

    Late Adulthood: Psychosocial Development
    Decide to retire. Probably spend more time doing volunteer work within the community I am living.
  • Death and Dying

    Death and Dying
    Ensure that my family knows I want to be an organ donor. I would also want to die naturally. I would not want to be recessiated.
  • Death

    Want to be creamated and have my ashes spread over the mountains. I want to have a lot of friends and family members through me a party instead of having a funeral service. I also want to leave a lot of money behind for my grandchildren and children.