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Deadly Tsunamis- Emily Mascherino

  • Lisbon Portugal Earthquake/Tsunami

    Lisbon Portugal Earthquake/Tsunami
    The magnitude of this earthquake was 9. This resulted in an estimated 20,000 deaths. The tsunami hit about 45 minutes after the earthquake subsided and the waves were about 23ft high.
  • Volcanic Explosion/Tsunami in the Sundra Strait

    Volcanic Explosion/Tsunami in the Sundra Strait
    The Krakatoa volcano's top collapsed and fell into the ocean which caused a tsunami. The VEI was a 6 and resulted in destroying 165 villages and killing more than 36,000 people. The tsunami was about 115ft high and it was the most well recorded and studied explosion of a volcano in history.
  • Aleutian Islands Earthquake/Tsunami

    Aleutian Islands Earthquake/Tsunami
    The magnitude of this earthquake was 8.1. The death toll of this event was about 160 people. This was pacific wide and the the tsunami struck almost 5 hours after the earthquake.
  • Chile's Earthquake/Tsunami

    Chile's Earthquake/Tsunami
    The magnitude of this earthquake was a 9.5. The death toll after this earthquake took place was about 61 people. The generated tsunami traveled across Chile, Pacific in Hawaii, Japan, and the Philippines. This earthquake was largest to ever have been recorded and it traveled 15 hours across the Pacific Ocean.
  • Alaska Earthquake/Tsunami

    Alaska Earthquake/Tsunami
    The magnitude of this earthquake was a 9.2. The death toll after this took place was about 130 people. The created tsunami happened in Alaska and California. 119 people died from the tsunami alone and several towns in Seward, Valdez, Girdwood, and Chenega were moved to safer ground.
  • Sea of Japans Earthquake/Tsunami

    Sea of Japans Earthquake/Tsunami
    The magnitude of this earthquake was a 7.8. The death toll of this event was about 120 people. This happened on Okushin Island, Japan. It also happened along the Southwestern and central West shores of Hokkaido. The waves from the tsunami ranged between 5-10 meters high.
  • Papua New Guinea Earthquake/Tsunami

    Papua New Guinea Earthquake/Tsunami
    The magnitude of this earthquake was a 7.1. The death toll after this event was more than 2100 people. This earthquake triggered a submarine landslide which caused the tsunami to happen. The tsunami was about 49ft high and not only did than many die but thousands were injured.
  • Sumatra Earthquake/Tsunami

    Sumatra Earthquake/Tsunami
    The magnitude of this earthquake was a 9.1. The death toll after this event took place was about 230,000 people. Worlds largest earthquake which impacted millions of people. This was the largest in 4 decades. The lack of education about tsunamis is the main reason for that many deaths because some people went to watch it on the beach. This tsunami was the most lethal one recorded in history.
  • Samoa Earthquake/Tsunami

    Samoa Earthquake/Tsunami
    The magnitude of this earthquake was 8.1. The death toll after this happened was about 200 people. This caused 200 million dollars in damaged and islands were ravaged both physical and economically, This tsunami caused the most amount of deaths in America in the 21st century.
  • Chile Earthquake/Tsunami

    Chile Earthquake/Tsunami
    The magnitude of this earthquake was 8.8. The death toll after this event was about 700 people. This happened in the coastal towns and effected 1.5 million people because of all the damage that was done. The intense shaking lasted 3 minutes.
  • Japan Earthquake/Tsunami

    Japan Earthquake/Tsunami
    The magnitude of this earthquake was 9.1. The death toll after this earthquake and tsunami was over 20,000 people. The Japanese people studied earthquakes and tsunamis for decades. The Fukushima Daichi nuclear power station was shut down as planned. The lack of evacuation knowledge and procedures caused the majority of these deaths. The large magnitude and height of the tsunami was a surprise to the people and the waves were about 30ft high.