Contributions to Astronomy

  • Period: 140 to 140

    Ptolemy suggests the Geocentric Theory

    Ancient Greece: Ptolemy suggests the Geocentric Theory (Earth at centre of solar system)
  • Jan 1, 1543

    Coperniucs publishes heliocentric theory

    Poland: Coperniucs publishes heliocentric theory (rotation of Earth around the Sun)
  • Jan 1, 1582

    Start of Gregorian Calendar

    Italian: Calendar used today, based on a year (revolution of the Earth around the sun)
  • Telescope invented by Hans Lippershey

    Dutch: Telescope invented by Hans Lippershey
  • Galileo uses telescope for astronomy

    Italy: Galileo discovers 4 moons of Jupiter, craters on the Moon, and the Milky Way galaxy
  • Messier catalogues galaxies, nebula and star clusters

    French: Messier gave each Messier Object a number
  • Hubble shows that there are other galaxies, other than our own Milky Way

    USA: Hubble shows that there are other galaxies, other than our own Milky Way
  • First radio telescope

    USA: Built by Grote Reber
  • Yuri Gagarin orbits Earth - First person in space

    Russia: Yuri Gagarin orbits Earth - First person in space
  • Moon Landing

    USA: Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walk on moon
  • Challenger Disaster

    USA: Space Shuttle Challenger disintergrated durning lift off, all 7 crew died.
  • Hubble Space Telescope Launch

    USA: Hubble Space Telescope launched, used to provide images of distant parts of the universe, which can only be viewed from space.
  • Launch of International Space Station

    International: Launch of International Space Station
  • Columbia Disaster

    USA: The Space Shuttle, Columbia, disintergrated during re-entry, killing all 7 crew.
  • Spirit Rover Launch

    USA: Spirit Rover launched for Mars, as a part of the Mars Exploration Rover program, sister unit of Opportunity.
  • Opportunity Rover Launch

    USA: Opportunity Rover launched to Mars, as a part of the Mars Exploration Rover program, sister unit of Spirit.