constitution timeline briauna g pd 6

  • declaration of rights and grievances is passed

    Declaration of rights is a document that the stamp act of congress declaring that taxes imposed or british colonist without formal was based off the stamp act that required any document.
  • boston tea party

    When British tea ships arrived in Boston harbor, many citizens wanted the tea sent back to England without the payment of any taxes.The royal governor insisted on payment of all taxes. On December 16, a group of men disguised as Indians boarded the ships and dumped all the tea in the harbor.
  • first continental congress meets

    It was a convention of delegates from twelve british north american colonies. congress consisted of 56 members.georgia was considered a convict state.
  • revolutionary war begins

    It was a war between great britain and the 13 colonies. colonist argued that the stamp act of 1765 was imposed by parliments. parliments instist that they had the right to tax colonists.
  • 2nd continental congress meets

    The members of the Second Continental Congress met at the State House in Philadelphia.There were several new delegates three of them are -John Hancock, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin.The meeting started with the battle of Lexington and Concord fresh in their memories.The Second Continental Congress established the militia as the Continental Army to represent the thirteen states.
  • declaration of independents is signed

    It is a document adapted by the continental congress. united states gaining its independents from britain,and were no longer part of the empire.
  • articles of confederations is signed

    All of the states were represented in Congress when the signing of the Articles of Confederation.Sixteen of the individuals who signed the Articles of Confederation also signed the Declaration of Independence.It was approved in 1777, and a copy was sent to each of the thirteen states for ratification.
  • revolutionary war ends

    united states had gained its independents from britain.and great britain lost its area east of mississippi river.then spain gains east and west florida and minorda.
  • constitutonal congress opens

    It was to fix the problems the government was haveing and was being organized at the same time. as the artical of confederation they chose george washington to preside over the confederation and decides to create a new government instead of fixing it.
  • final draft of the constitution is signed

    Benjamin Franklin gave a speech when the costitution was comleted. the convention decided that only nine states were needed to ratify.