The invention of the analytical engine, which contained Arithmetic logic unit, flow control, and memory. Was the basic general purpose of the computer.
  • Ada Lovelace

    She was known for written instructions for the first computer program.
  • George Stibitz

    Maker of modern first digital computer
  • Jean E. Sammet

    Jean is an American computer scientist who developed the FORMAC programming language in 1962.
  • Barbara Liskov

    She led the Venus operating system project, a small, low-cost and interactive timesharing system.
  • Vincent Cerf

    Cerf is the co-inventor of the architecture and basic protocols of the Internet.
  • Anita Borg

    Formed the institute for women and technology.
  • Steve Jobs

    Inventor & Co-Founder of Apple
  • Bill Gates

    He co-founded the software: Microsoft
  • Edith Clark

    She computed for  AT&T, who applied mathematical methods to the problems of long-distance electrical transmissions.