Computer History

By jreid16
  • Z1 Computer

    Z1 Computer
    It was the first freely programmable computer.
  • Harvard Mark 1

    Harvard Mark 1
    It was a mathematical computer It could do three additions or subtractions in a second. A multiplication took six seconds, a division took 15.3 seconds, and a logarithm or a trigonometric function took over one minute.
  • ENIAC 1 Computer

    ENIAC 1 Computer
    Was a mathmatical computer that was unrivaled in speed and was used in the military

    First commercial computer that could count presidential votes.
  • Fortan Computer Programming Language

    Fortan Computer Programming Language
    The first succesful computer programming language.
  • Space War Computer Game

    Space War Computer Game
    The first computer game.
  • ARPAnet

    First Internet
  • Floppy Disc

    Floppy Disc
    First secondary memory form
  • Scelbi & Mark-8 Altair & IBM 5100 Computers

    Scelbi & Mark-8 Altair & IBM 5100 Computers
    First consumer computers.
  • Ipad

    First tablet computer