

  • 500

    Ábaco (500 A.C)

    Ábaco (500 A.C)
    The Abacus was the first device that helped in solving arithmetic problems.
  • The slide rule

    The slide rule
    The slide rule consisted of two joined graduated rules that slid over each other.
  • First machine

    First machine
    First machine invented to add that was also used to subtract.
  • First digital computer

    First digital computer
    First invented digital computer, programmed by a series of punched cards containing the Instructions in data.
  • Analog machine

    Analog machine
    An analog machine was invented that used electrical circuits.
  • Eniac

    First invented electronic computer, it was built in Pennsylvania to calculate artillery tables.
  • Univac

    He used vacuum tubes in the first generation of computers. Designed by Eckerd.
  • Second generation.

    Second generation.
    They worked fast and were small, with new languages ​​called high-level languages ​​created in the second generation of computers.
  • Third generation.

    Third generation.
    They worked much faster and were smaller created in the third generation.
  • Fourth generation.

    Fourth generation.
    The computer processor was referred to as a microprocessor in the fourth generation of computers.
  • Fifth generation.

    Fifth generation.
    With parallel processing capabilities created in the fifth generation.
  • Six generation.

    Six generation.
    They published Windows that had great internet capacity and faster processors in the sixth generation of computers.