
Colonialism and Reactions 1750-1900

By itsamy
  • 7 Years War

    7 Years War
    Spanning from 1754 to 1763, the 7 Years War was French vs Britain but also dragged indigenous French allies into the war. The war was started by the French and British competing over land to project their influence with trade and colonies.
  • Peace of Paris

    Peace of Paris
    Peace of Paris brings an end to the French/Indian War and establishes a proclamation line along the Appalachian mountains in order to stop colonialists from expanding westward
  • New Zealand

    New Zealand
    From 1769 to 1778, Captain James Cook explored New Zealand. Settlers came in and exploited the lands. Colonizers hunted seals for felt hats and hunted sperm whales for oil.
  • Haitian Revolution

    Haitian Revolution
    Lasting from 1789 to 1804, The Haitian Revolution was a fight for an end to slavery. Slaves were angered by political and economic powers of the colonial officials. They were tired of the harsh punishments, high mortality, and oppressive working conditions.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    On July 4th, 1803, The United States purchased 828,000 square miles of land from France for $15 million dollars. The land had a large population of African slaves so the slaveholders wanted to implement slavery laws to suppress potential rebellion, given that the new terrirory might inspire slaves to rebel like the ones in Haiti.
  • British in India

    British in India
    The British rule in India had substantial effects. The British introduced modern technology though decreased jobs in the textile industries because Britain started exporting cheap manufactured clothes. The British implemented social and adminitrative reforms but respected Indian religious customs. They were in India for the benefit of themselves but also respected the Indians.
  • Revolts against Napoleon

    Revolts against Napoleon
    Madrid revolted against Napoleonic iccupying forces. The Spanish colonies in Latin America were fighting for independence.
  • Liberation of New Granada

    Liberation of New Granada
    Simon Bolivar was the leader of movements that eventually led to the independece of South America. The liberation of New Granada was a war of independence for Colombia and Venezuela, wanting to break from European colonial officials.
  • Simon Bolivar

    Simon Bolivar
    Spanish colonies in South America were liberated by Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin from the colonists. Spain left with only 2 colonies: Cuba and Puerto Rico.
  • French and Algerian War

    French and Algerian War
    From 1830 to 1847, they had a war over a thrown fly whisk. The French consul refused to pay its debt to Algeria and was struck. It led to a French invasion to assert its influence, killing farm animals, massacring villagers, and killing the Algerian leader, Abd al Qadir.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    Europeans made the indiginous population migrate to west of the Mississippi River. The path the Indians took is known as the Trail of Tears, where half of the migrants died. It shows the impacts of colonizers.
  • Treaty of Nanking

    Treaty of Nanking
    This treaty was sign to end the Opium War. It allowed 5 more ports for the British to trade at so they could expand their colonial influence. It marked an end to the Canton system and a decrease to China's power.
  • Irish Potato Famine

    Irish Potato Famine
    Between 1847 and 1848, the Irish Potato Famine led to European immigration and a predominant white population in New Zealand, the United States, Canada, and Argentina. That decreased death and poverty, creating successful colonies.
  • Sepoy Rebellion

    Sepoy Rebellion
    The Sepoy Rebellion marked the beginning of movements for independence in modern India. Indians were offended when soldiers were required to bite off paper cartridges that were greased with beef/pork fat.
  • Australian Exploitation

    Australian Exploitation
    After 1851, the New South Wales government stopped censoring news of gold findings, at first believing it would deplete the workforce. Some gold in 1860 created a gold rush in Australia, bringing in almost 1 million immigrants and settlers.
  • Alaskan Purchase

    Alaskan Purchase
    In order to prevent the acquisition of land by the British, Russia sold Alaska to the United States in 1867. America paid $7.2 million dollars for the Alaskan seal fishery. The seal fisheries produced 100,000 skins a year, generating substantial revenue for America.
  • Meiji Restoration

    Meiji Restoration
    The Meiji Emperor started to adopt Western education and technology to modernize Japan. He realized that Japan was not in shape to defend itself from foreign threats but eventually became an offensive player in the global power balance.
  • Conquest of the Desert

    Conquest of the Desert
    Julio Argentino Roca wanted Argentina to dominate Patagonia that was full of indigenous people. He displaced over 15,000 people from their traditional lands and killed over one thousand Indians.
  • Rich Coasts of Algeria

    Rich Coasts of Algeria
    The rich coast of Algeria attracted many European settlers and immigrants. By 1871, there were over 130,000 settlers hoping to exploit Algeria, doubling the amount of European-owned land.
  • Suez Canal Protection

    Suez Canal Protection
    Britain sent an army into Egypt to protect the Suez Canal. The canal was important for fast transportation between Europe and India. It allowed for easier methods of colonization. Britain stayed in Egypt for 70 years.
  • Tippu Tip

    Tippu Tip
    Tippu Tip was a trader from Zanzibar. He colonized and created a personal ovary caravan empire in the upper Congo River. The importation of British firearms led to misery and the killing of elephants for ivory tusks.
  • Free State of Congo

    Free State of Congo
    Leopold II, the king of Belgium, delcared Cogno a free state. He allowed the exploitation and extraction of ivory, minerals, and rubber to contribute to the world market. There was also a scandal of killing during a rubber expedition, leading to the end of Leopold
  • Indian National Congress

    Indian National Congress
    The Indian National Congress when the middle class wanted to increase their influence against the aristocrats and British domination. They decreased the military budget by 40% to help poverty issues.