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Classroom Rules & Procedures

By JoanneB
  • Monday

    Have a discussion with each class: Why do we need rules? What could happen if we didn't have any at all? What kinds of rules should the students have? What kinds of rules should the teacher have? What should the consequences be for breaking rules? Tell each class that once you have brainstormed with the other classes, you will condense their ideas into a short list, and discuss it with them tomorrow.
  • Tuesday

    Show class condensed list of rules based on their suggestions (3-5 very clear rules). Have another class discussion regarding each rule: What does this rule mean? Why should we do that? What would that look like? Go over hierarchy of consequences with students, and explain how you will be keeping track. Discuss rules for teacher at this time as well (i.e. Teacher must always speak respectfully to students).
  • Wednesday

    Now that rules and consequences have been established and posted clearly as a reminder, begin to go over classroom procedures. Entering the classroom, choosing a seat, independent vs. group work, whole class lessons, and exiting the classroom. Ask students to give input on what they think is appropriate behaviour, as well as sharing your own ideas.
  • Thursday

    Continue introducing classroom procedures. What to do during a fire drill or lockdown, the "extra activities" folder for students who have finished their work, and how to treat visitors to the classroom are all important. Discuss what jobs need to be done around the classroom at the end of each class (i.e. replacing materials, picking up trash, stacking chairs if the last class of the day, etc.) and assign class jobs. Explain that the student in charge of this job will be changed each week.
  • Friday

    Compose a short newsletter to send home to parents. Give these to students at the beginning of class, and ask them to place them in their communication bag. Outline in this newsletter what the classroom rules and consequences are, what the classroom jobs are, and what the important procedures are (parents probably don't care how their child enters the room). Request that parents discuss the rules with their children, and suggest that they ask their children what their class job is this week.