civil rights

  • d-day

    the blacks were attacked
  • rosa parks

    rosa parks
    rosa parks stood u for her right to sit in the front of the bus
  • the impact

    April 3, 1963, SCLC staged sit-ins and released a "Birmingham Manifesto," which was largely ignored, to reporters. made much of an impact.
  • all about the children

    On May 2, children, ranging in age from six to eighteen, gathered in Kelly Ingram Park, across the street from Sixteenth Street Baptist Church.
  • Martin Luther King J.R

    Martin Luther King J.R
    Martin Luther King was arrested and jailed durin anti-segragation protestin birmingham
  • the beggining

    the beggining
    As 1963 began, Martin Luther King, Jr., and the SCLC were coming off a campaign in Albany, Georgia, which the New York Herald Tribune called "one of the most stunning defeats of King's career.
  • 24th admendment

    24th admendment
    the 24th admendment abolishes the poll tax,whitch origionally had ben institutedin the southern sates after reconstruction
  • Malcom X

    Malcom X
    black african-american Malcom X was shot to death
  • the march to mongomary

    the march to mongomary
    Blocks begain to march to mongomary in support of voting rights but are stoped at the pettus bridge by a police blockage
  • arrested

    On April 6, police arrested 45 protesters marching from Sixteenth Street Baptist Church to city hall.