christianity timeline

By Kgalea
  • 306

    Constantine: Christian or Opportunist

    Constantine: Christian or Opportunist
    His escape would change history, for his name was Constantine. He would become the first ruler in the western world to base the laws of the state upon the teachings of Jesus Christ.
  • 312


    It still stand in Rome, the Milvian Bridge, over the murky Tiber River. Here the battle took place that would be a critical milestone in the unfolding of Christian and European civilization.
  • 313

    Licinius' Edict Relieved Christians

    Licinius has embraced Christianity." Even worldly-wise Christians like Eusebius of Caesarea, the first notable church historian, cheered the news.
  • 354

    Birth of Augustine

  • 410

    Rome Fell but a Christian Classic Arose

    August 24, 410, the city of Rome, once master of the Mediterranean, fell to Alaric and his Visigoth armies. Someone opened the city gate from within.
  • 524

    Boethius Executed for Treason

    The courage with which one man faced torture and death in old Rome became a source of inspiration to all of Christendom for centuries.
  • Gregory the Great elected Pope

    Gregory the Great elected Pope
    Pope Gregory I (590 - 604) was the right man in the right place at the right time. Previously a government official who had sold all of his property in order to become a Benedictine monk, he was elected pope after the death of Pelagius II.
  • Death of Stalwart Bishop Ambrose

    Milan's bishop was dying. Whether consciously or unconsciously, he extended his arms like Christ on the cross. Christ Jesus appeared to him in a vision. People were awed.
  • Augustine converts to Christianity

    Augustine converts to Christianity
    Augustine’s intellectual restlessness led him to embrace Manichaeism, a popular religion of the day that held a dualistic view of the world as a battle between light and dark, flesh and spirit
  • Augustines confesions

    "I was such a miserable young man! I knew my life was messed up and filled with foolish fleshly indulgences. Oh yes, I did want to change, at least at times I did. I had actually prayed words to the effect: "God, help me clean up my sordid life -- but just not yet." I was afraid that you, God, would take me at my word and deliver me, and I wasn't ready to let go of a lot of things."