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Ceramic mug blue (etsy, Aliceramicsupply)

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    1- Raw Material extraction

    1- Raw Material extraction
    Raw materials are needed to make the ceramic mug, the raw material needed are clay and water-solution pigments, and this is because acrylic paint is used to give the ceramic mug its blue color and design.
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    2- Materials processing

    2- Materials processing
    Now that we have extracted the materials needed we must process the clay into ceramic and water solution pigments into acrylic paint before actually manufacturing/building the product.
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    3- Manufacturing

    3- Manufacturing
    Now that we have the clay and acrylic paint we must manufacture them in a factory to create the mug.
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    4- Packaging

    4- Packaging
    Now that we have created the ceramic mug, we need to find the material to package it in, and as we have already discussed in the disposable version of this product that the packaging is important depending on the type of product it is. For example, if the product is small, a small paper bag can be used as packaging instead of a huge cardboard box, which would be inefficient. In this case, the packaging material used was a cardboard box.
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    5- Distribution (Transportation)

    5- Distribution (Transportation)
    Now that the product has been packaged and manufactured, we must find a way to transport it, in this case, a truck, plane, or boat will be used as transportation.
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    6- Utilization

    6- Utilization
    This product can be used for over 10+ years which is the most efficient in terms of environmental damage since the disposable version of this product could only be used once.
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    7- Disposable

    7- Disposable
    This product can be recycled by recycling plants, but usually ceramic and clay products are not recycled, but if taken to a private recycling center it will be recycled upon the consumer's request.
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    8- OPTIONAL (other) ways of recycling

    8- OPTIONAL (other) ways of recycling
    The mug, even though it can be recycled, could also be used as pots for plants and flowers.