Cell Theory

  • The microscope was invented.

    The microscope was invented.
    The microscope was invented by Zacharias Janssen in 1590, and was thought to be assisted by William Boreel. This helps the cell theory because before this, with the human eye they could only see the width if a human hair.
    The source I used.
    Who Invented the Microscope? | Live Science
    www.livescience.com › 39649-who-invented-the-microsc…
  • Plant cells were discovered

    Plant cells were discovered by Robert Hooke in 1665. He discovered this while looking at a silver cork, and saw one of its cells. This led to the understanding of cells, which is the smallest units of life.

    History of the Cell: Discovering the Cell | National Geographic …
    www.nationalgeographic.org › article › history-cell-disco... The microscopic science of Robert Hooke | Britannica
    www.britannica.com › video › Overview-scientist-Robert-...
  • Bacteria was discovered.

    Bacteria were discovered by Anton Van Leeuwenhoek in 1676. This is important to the cell theory because cells are the most important part of the theory.
    History - Historic Figures: Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (1632 ... - BBC
    www.bbc.co.uk › history › van_leeuwenhoek_antonie