Causes of Korean War and About it

  • Japanese Occupation

    Korea was ruled by Japan from 1910-1945. There were many independence movements and many things that were ethically wrong during this time such as torture and comfort women.
  • Cairo Conference

    November 22–26, 1943, held in Cairo, Egypt, addressed the Allied position against Japan during World War II and made decisions about postwar Asia. The meeting was attended by President Franklin Roosevelt of the United States, Prime Minister Winston Churchill of the United Kingdom, and Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek of the Republic of China. One clause was "in due course Korea shall become free and independent".
  • Yuh Woon-Hyung

    Yuh Woon-Hyung tries to unite North and South Kore as a whole.
  • Yuh Woon-Hyung Fails

    Because he fails, the USSR maintain the North and the US maintain the South
  • Yalta Conference

    The meeting was intended mainly to discuss the reestablishment of the nations of wartorn Europe. Within a few years, with the Cold War dividing the continent, Yalta became a subject of intense controversy. To some extent, it has remained controversial.
  • Korean Government Tries to get Recognition and Membership for the UN

    The Provisional Government of Korea asked the United Nations for recognition and membership in April 1945
  • The Soviet Union Declares war on Japan

    The Soviet Union had declared war on Japan on August 9, 1945
  • Japan Surrenders

    The Japanese surrender in war with the US and GB
  • General John Hodges Occupies Southern Korea

    The United States Eighth Army led by General John R. Hodges landed at Inch’on on September 8 and entered Seoul the next day, occupying the southern half of Korea.
  • Allies anounce Korean Link

    In October 1945 the Allies announced that Korea would be governed by a trusteeship under the United States, the Soviet Union, Britain, and China for up to five years
  • Cho Man-Sik led northern Korea.

    On October 19 the Bureau of Five Provinces in northern Korea was formed and led by the Presbyterian nationalist Cho Man-sik; but he objected to food being taken away from Koreans for the Soviet Army.
  • Soviets replaced Bureau with Provisional People's Comittee

    After much conflict with Cho Man-Sik, Kim Il Sung was chosen to be first secretary of the North Korean Bureau for 4,530 Communist members in December. On February 9, 1946 the Soviets replaced the Bureau with the Provisional People’s Committee for North Korea. Those who did not want to live under Communist authorities moved to the south, 800,000 by the end of 1947.
  • Syngman Rhee is Reprenstative Democratic Counsil Chairman

    On February 14, 1946 the US Military Government set up the advisory Representative Democratic Council with Syngman Rhee as chairman.
  • US forms Korena Interim Legislative Assembly

    The US Military Government formed the Interim Legislative Assembly in October 1946 by appointing 45 members and having 45 members elected. Syngman Rhee’s Korean Democratic Party won a majority of the elected seats, and most of those appointed were from the groups led by Kim Kyu-sik and Yo Un-hyong.
  • Korean indepedence to UN proposal

    Then on September 17 the United States submitted a proposal for Korean independence to the United Nations with elections under UN supervision. US and Soviet troops would be withdrawn when a Korean government was established.
  • Korean People's Council Announce Korean National Constitution

    The Korean People’s Council in P’yongyang announced a Korean National Constitution on May 1, 1948, and the Supreme People’s Assembly was elected in North Korea on August 25 from a single list of candidates.
  • Korea's First Election

    Korea’s first general election was held in the south on May 10, 1948. Those who favored direct talks between political leaders in the north and south boycotted the voting; but 86% of eligible voters registered, and 92% of those cast ballots. Koreans elected 198 representatives, and 100 seats representing the north were left empty.
  • ROK arrests Communist Guerrillas and agitators

    Between September 1948 and April 1949 the ROK arrested 80,710 Communist guerrillas and agitators, and the ROK Army dismissed a third of its officers suspected of Communist sympathies.
  • Start of Korean War

    The Korean War Starts
  • Battle of Incheon

  • Fighting in 38th Parallel

    January to June.
  • End of Korean War

    The Armistice Agreement was signed by both countries and the war ended.