Career Timeline

  • Now that you're in 9th grade, it's time to get serious about your post-secondary plans.

    Now that you're in 9th grade, it's time to get serious about your post-secondary plans.
  • Don't neglect your study habits!

    Don't neglect your study habits!
  • Talk to your school counselors, teachers, family members or trusted adults about your plans for college.

    Talk to your school counselors, teachers, family members or trusted adults about your plans for college.
    They will give you useful advice.
  • Classes to take in high school

    computer programming, Web design, graphic design and multimedia, algebra, trigonometry, calculus and english.
  • Take a career assessment

    Take a career assessment
    A career assessment will enable you to figure out which career appeals to you the most.
    Link to a career assessment:
  • Use Your Plan of Study to keep track of your courses and grades.

    This will help you be organized and help you succeed in high school.
  • Continue to get involved in campus and community activities.

    Continue to get involved in campus and community activities.
    Activities should include the aspect of study you wish to pursue. For example, participate in a club that practices different web designing techniques weekly.