Cake Pops

  • Foundation of the Team

    The team was created on 14 of January of 2020
  • Business plan

    the 21 of January the team started to plan the business
  • Tv and Radio

    The team created scripts for the Tv and another one for Radio for gave publicity to the company
  • The Budget

    The team start to think and plan how are they are planing its invention and how many will cost and what they will need
  • Benchmarking

    The team investigate Benchmarking, and investigate for the Companies that have the same products or similar and compare the prices of the products and our companies
  • Last thing

    We investigate all of legal parts we register the company, we made the finance of how many will it cost to compare the the how big are the other companies to design the company logo, the name badge, business card and a letter head, to we created a web site, etc