Black death t shirt (1618)

Black death Timeline

By Naedmil
  • Jan 1, 1338

    First Victims of Black Death

    First Victims of Black Death
    The first victims of the Black plague were found at Lake Issyk Kul in Russia. This happened at 1338 and 1339. The grave marker said this was the grave of Kutluk and his wife Magnu Kelka who died from the black plague.
  • Jan 1, 1346

    The rumors about Black Plague

    The rumors about Black Plague
    The rumors about black plague started at China and went through the whole asia and reached Europe.
  • Jan 1, 1347

    Inhabitants of Kaffa

    Inhabitants of Kaffa
    All the inhabitants of Kaffa were reported as infected to the Black Death.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1348 to Jan 1, 1351

    The Black Plague starting and ending

    During 1348 to 1351, the Black Plague killed 25-60% of Europeans. Other estimations of people that died of black plague is said to be 2/3 of the entire population.
  • May 1, 1349

    Black Plague transferred

    Black Plague transferred
    The black Plague reached Bergen in Norway on a ship that was carrying a wool that were infected by the black plague. Unluckily, all the passengers and crews who were on the boat died.
  • Jan 1, 1350

    Renaissance starting

    Renaissance starting
    The renaissance started at 1350, and it was hugely effected by the Black Death. The Black Death helped the renaissance by killing lots of noble people which left lots of serfs and merchants with few noble people. Noble people needed their houses and buildings rebuilt and since there were lots of serfs and merchants that had the skills, the nobles had to use them. As soon as that happened, serfs and merchants's value went up and started the renaissance.
  • Period: to

    The Italian Plague

    The Italian Plague happened in the 1629 to 1631 in the Northern Italy. This epidemic was also known as the Great plague of Milan, and killed about 280,000 people. The cities of the Lombardy and Veneto Regions had especially high death rates for some reasons. This bubonic plague is one of the last plagues that happened in the centuries long pandemic of bubonic plague which started out from the black death.
  • Great Plague of Seville Part 2

    Great Plague of Seville Part 2
    The disease continued its way to Andalucia and swept through Catalonia and Aragon. The coast Malaga lost about 50,000 people. Spain unfortunately lost about 500,000 people out of an entire population of 10,000,000. This plague was the greatest, but not the only, plague of 17th century Spain.
  • Great Plague of Seville

    Great Plague of Seville
    The great plague of Seville occurred at 1647 and ended at 1652. It was an outbreak of black plague in Spain that murdered a quarter of Seville’s entire population. They lost a population of 150,000 from the whole 600,000 which they began with. The plague started out from Algeria, which was the Mediterranean side of Spain. The coastal city of Valencia was the first city that was corrupted by the plague and the coastal city of Valencia lost 30,000 people.
  • Period: to

    Great Plague of London

    The great plague of London was the last bubonic plague to be happening in the Kingdom of England. The bubonic plague killed approximately 100,000 people, which was about 20% of London’s whole population at that time. The plague was a far smaller scale than the earlier Black Death pandemic but it was still called the great plague because it was the last outbreak of a bubonic plague in England that was widespread during the 400 year timespan of the second pandemic.
  • Great Plague Of Vienna Part 2

    Great Plague Of Vienna Part 2
    Vienna had lots of garbage littered at the streets which attracted lots of rats to gather. In addition, the merchants were jeopardizing themselves by trading items that were infected by the rats. The city was so filthy and squalid that the plague was even named the ‘Viennese Death’ in other parts of Europe.
  • Great Plague of Vienna

    Great Plague of Vienna
    The great plague of Vienna happened in 1679 by a Bubonic plague that was caused by fleas and rats that carried bacteria called bacterium Yersinia pestis. The city was soon neutralized by the epidemic which recurred once more killing 76000 residents. Vienna was actually located at the Danube River which was a major trading route for the traders and merchants, which lead the city to suffer the Black Death. Having lots of people coming to the city,
  • Period: to

    Russian Plague

    The Russian Plague epidemic, also known as the plague of 1771, was the final plague outbreak that occurred in Central Russia. It took over 52 to 100 thousand lives in Moscow, which is over 1/6 of Moscow’s population. The plague originated from the Russian Turkish war that happened in 1768 – 1774. The plague passed right through Ukraine northwards, and quickly passed through central Russia causing the Russian Plague epidemic.
  • The Russian Plague (In Moscow)

    The Russian Plague (In Moscow)
    The black Plague which had passed all the way to Moscow reached the peak in September 1771, during the time where it was at Moscow. It took over 1/6 of Moscow's whole population at that time.
  • Ring Around the Rosie Written

    Ring Around the Rosie Written
    It was made in the 1790s but it was printed out on paper at 1881.
  • The Pandemic

    The Pandemic
    The pandemic occurs once more in Russia, China and India,
  • The End Of Third Pandemic

    The End Of Third Pandemic
    The Third pandemic finally meets it's end.