Basic Foods: Caden Brown

  • Purchasing

    *Purchase meat and poultry last
    *Keep meat and poulrt packages seperate from other foods
    *Canned foods should be free of dents, cracks, bulges
    *Never buy cracked eggs
  • Storing

    • Refrigerate as soon as you get home
    • Store meat in plastic bags or on a plate to prevent dripping in refigerator
  • Preparing

    *Washhands with soap and warm water
    *Thaw foods in refrigerator
  • Cooking

    • Cook food thoroughly to destroy bacteria *Don't eat raw eggs
  • Serving

    *Keep hot foods hot, cold foods cold
    *Never leave hazardous foods out at room temperature for longer than 2 hours
  • Handling Letovers

    Handling Letovers
    *Cool leftovers as quickly as possible
    *Reheat thoroughly