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Banking in Mexico

  • Start of banking in Mexico

    Banking in Mexico begins with the establishment in Mexico City of the branch of the British bank The Bank of London, Mexico and South America.
  • Foundation

    Foundation of the Mexican National Bank with capital from the Franco-Egyptian Bank based in Paris.
  • Banks in different parts of the country

    There were already banks in Yucatán, Chihuahua, and Mexico City.
  • he National Stock Exchange is born

    The National Stock Exchange is born, with headquarters at Calle de Plateros No.9, now Calle de Madero.
  • The Mexico Stock Exchange is inaugurated.

    The Mexican Stock Exchange is born. Runners captained by Francisco A. Llerena and Luis G. Necochea founded the company with that name. The Mexico Stock Exchange is inaugurated.
  • The Credit Institutions Law

    The Credit Institutions Law is enacted with three banking models: issue banks with the power to issue banknotes, mortgage banks and refactional banks. Until before the Revolution, there were 24 issue banks, two mortgage and five refactional banks.
  • Period: to

    Victoriano Huerta imposes loans to the banks.

    Victoriano Huerta imposes loans to the banks. In that period, the banks granted loans to his government for almost 64 million pesos.
  • The Bank of Mexico is founded.

  • The statutes of the Bolsa de Valores de México S.A. are approved.

  • The Universal Banking model

    The Universal Banking model began, that is, a financial group. In other words, a deposit bank could group as subsidiaries a finance company, a mortgage company, a savings department and a trust department.
  • The figure of financial groups is legally recognized in Mexico.

  • The existence of 15 financial groups is recognized.

    The existence of 15 financial groups is recognized. Banco Nacional de México, Banco de Londres, Banco Comercial Mexicano, Banco del País, Banco de Industria y Comercio and Banco Internacional.