Australia As a Global CItizen

  • UN Charter Signed

    The United Nations Charter Sighed San Fransico
  • World War 2 ends

    World War 2 end after japanesse surrender from the USA drops an atomic Bomb
  • UN Ratifed

    The United Nations Organisation was ratifided ( made offical )
  • Australia Join UN

    Australia Join UN because it was the right thing to do
  • UNESCO Created

    The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to promote education in developing nations.
  • Doc Evatt admitted

    Dr Herbert Vere Evatt is acredded to the gerneral assebly then becomes thrid pressident of the assembly
  • Declaration of human rights

    The UNited Nations passes Declaration of human rights
  • Koren War Breaks out

    Koren War Breaks out australian solider sent over
  • International Covention on the Elimination of all racail descrimination

    International Covention on the Elimination of all racail descrimination is signed by Australia and is the turned into Australian Law
  • East Timor

    Australian peace keepers sent to Timor Leste (formal know as East Timor )
  • Mellinuim Goals Set

    Mellinuim Goals Set by the United Nations to be completed by 2015