
By ajtouat
  • Zenger Trial

    NYC editor convicted of libel, aquitted, allowed highly opinioned newsletters to be printed
  • Albany Congress

    advocated a union of the British colonies for their security and defense against the French, and to help cement the loyalty of the Iroquois Confederacy, wavering between the French and the British in the early phases of the French and Indian War, the tribes withdrew without committing to either of them
  • Period: to

    Seven Years War

    (aka French Indian War) British and French fought over the Ohio River valley (trade route) with the French allying the Indians. Ended with expulsion of the French.
  • Pontiac's Rebellion

    Indians rebelled because the French were giving away land that they didn't have rights to and were the Indians.
  • Treaty of Paris

    ended the Seven Years' War, known as the French and Indian War, the Treaty was made possible by the British victory over France and Spain, and marked the beginning of an era of British dominance outside Europe (France expelled)
  • Sugar Act

    taxes on sugar and other commone goods, lower molasses prices to try and prevent smuggling
  • Stamp Act

    taxes on stamped paper, legal documents, publications, and playing cards, no taxation without representation
  • Boston Massacre

    British troops fired upon civilians in Boston
  • Tea Act

    East Indian Company could sell their tea without tariffs, American tea merchants pushed out of trade
  • Boston Tea Party

    people of Boston dresses as Indians and dumped tea into the Boston Harbor
  • Intolerable Acts

    Coercive Acts:
    Quartering Act- colonists had to provide for soldiers if they stayed in their home
    Quebec Act-Quebec was under authority of the crown and forced Catholic
    Boston Port Act- closed the port
    Massachusetts Government Act- no government for Mass.
    Administration of Justice Act- protected British officials in courts in the colonies
  • Lexington and Concord

    British and Massachusettes militias fighting in Lexington and Concord, minutemen aided in fighting
  • First Continental Congress

    metting of delegates from most colonies in reponse to intolerable acts, endorsed Suffolk Resolves, adopted Declaration of Rights and Grievances, agreed to make a Continental Asssociation
  • Fort Ticonderoga

    scuffle between New Englanders (Vermont) and the British, the colonists stumbled upon the British and ordered that they surrender
  • Second Continental Congress

    represented 12 colonies, colonies in state of defense, George Washington commander-in-chief
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    fighting on Breed's Hill were the colonists had the high ground and caused a large amount of damage to the British dispite loseing
  • Repeal of Stamp Act

    nonimportation, Stamp Act repealed but Declaratory Act
  • Battle of Long Island

    Patriots force to withdraw to Manhattan from Brooklyn as British attacked them, September 6 British invaded Manhattan and the Americans were forced back even further
  • Declaration of Independence

    voted for at the Second Continental Congress, voted to renounce allegiance with Britain
  • Declaratory Act

    Parliament had the authority to legislate the colonies
  • Common Sense

    pamphlet by Thomas Paine, government is nessesary but you can overthrow it
  • Olive Branch Petition

    last chance offer to continue peacefully with Britain, olive branch=peace
  • Valley Forge

    Pennsylvania, continental army stuck in valley forge for a harsh winter, came out as a cohesive unit