APUSH Periods 1-5

  • Slavery: The First Slave Ship Arrives in the North American English Colonies

    Slavery: The First Slave Ship Arrives in the North American English Colonies
    • the first slaves were brought to Jamestown, Virginia in 1619
    • the slaves were brought on a Dutch ship
    source: https://www.history.com/topics/black-history/slavery
  • Period: to

    Slavery: The Underground Railroad

    The Underground Railroad was a network of both African Americans and Whites who helped slaves from the south escape. They operated from the late 18th century to the end of the Civil War, exact dates are not know because it began as a very secretive operation. During the Civil War the Underground Railroad was less secretive. Source: https://www.history.com/topics/black-history/underground-railroad
  • Political Affairs: U.S. Constitution is Ratified

    In an effort to replace the Articles of Confederation the new Constitution was written in three months by the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. When New Hampshire became the 9th state, the Constitution was officially ratified and became the "Supreme Law of the Land". Source: https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/u-s-constitution-ratified Video: https://www.greatamericandocuments.com/documents/united-states-constitution/
  • President: Election of George Washington

    President: Election of George Washington
    Time in Office: 1789 - 1797
    George Washington was the first President of the United States, and
    was known for being Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army. Significant issues: the establishment of the country and the moving of the nations capital from New York.
    Party: Federalist/Undeclared
    Known For: "The Father of his Country" Source for all President Information: https://millercenter.org/president?fbclid=IwAR2mJpXW1Joc04NCjnsfVEDdStPE_M_pH7S8gD9jw2267HLB50RKyWiUVLE
  • Period: to

    Slavery: Fugitive Slave Acts

    The First Act-
    allowed local governments to apprehend slaves and take them back to their place of origin if they had escaped, this was passed in 1793. They could also punish anyone who helped them escape.
    The Second Act-
    Passed in 1850, this act strengthen the first be defining punishments and set up a system that favored slave owners.
  • Slavery: Invention of the Cotton Gin

    In 1794 Eli Whitney invented & patented the cotton Gin. This device was created to make it easier to get seeds & stems out of cotton. It decreased the time this tedious task took and increased cotton production drastically in the south where cotton was and agricultural staple. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=video&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwiGsOH4j5ffAhVW_oMKHaTZAbwQtwIIKjAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DJzHD7_dWEik&usg=AOvVaw0QrDdY5WlyWNfsDa21dl4T
  • Political Affairs: Washington's Farewell Address

    Political Affairs: Washington's Farewell Address
    Washington gave his political farewell in which he addressed:
    - the rising sense of political partnership
    - the emergence of political parties He felt so though these things endangered the republic. He also suggested that the United States stay away from other countries affairs.
  • President: Election of John Adams

    President: Election of John Adams
    Time in Office: 1797 - 1801
    Adams was the second president on the U.S who prior to his presidency was a delegate from MA to the Continental Congress(1774-1777), a diplomat in Europe (1778-1788), and Vice President under Washington.
    Political Party: Federalist/ Non-Affliated
    Domestic Affairs: XYZ Affair, Alien and Sedition Acts
    Known for: patriotism!! Source for all Political Parties: https://www.presidentsusa.net/partyofpresidents.html
  • Political Affairs: The Louisiana Purchase

    The territory was owned by Napoleonic France, which would be bad for the United States because it would cause "eternal friction" according to Jefferson. The purchase of a part of this territory (New Orleans and West Florida) were very important, and then France offered to sell the whole territory. They signed the Treaty of Cession, payed $15 million, and got the Louisiana Territory. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YC6Si32bAdg
  • President: Election of Thomas Jefferson

    President: Election of Thomas Jefferson
    Time in Office: 1801 - 1809
    Serving as the third President of the United State, Jefferson essentially wrote the Declaration of Independence. He was a well-educated man from Virginia and desired to have a "wise and frugal government".
    Significant Domestic Affiars: making the Louisiana Purchase
    Political Party: Democratic-Republican
  • Slavery: Slave Trade Ban of 1803

    Slavery: Slave Trade Ban of 1803
    • because Jefferson shrank the federal budget, he signed a bill in 1807 to outlaw the importation of slaves
    • this law took effect on January 1, 1808: the earliest date allowed by the Constitution
    • between 1808-1861 as many as 300,000 slaves were smuggled into the United States
  • Political Affairs: Marbury vs. Madison

    William Marbury-- Federalist, appoint as federal justice of the peace in DoC?
    James Madison-- President of the United States
    John Marshall-- Supreme Court justice
    Final Ruling: Marbury deserved his position as federal justice of the peace
    Effect: the creation of judicial review Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOvsZyqRfCo
  • Political Affairs: Lewis and Clark Expedition

    Goal: learn more about the newly purchased land
    The expedition lasted from May 1804 - 1806, during their expedition the meet Sacagawea. She helped them as a guide and translator. Effect: their maps attracted traders and promoted westward expansion including the purchase of the Oregon Country. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7vCQpqolXw
  • President: Election of James Madison

    President: Election of James Madison
    Time in Office: 1809 - 1817
    James Madison, like Jefferson, was a well-educated man from Virginia who was a very respected leader of congress. Major foreign affairs include the War of 1812; in which Madison listed many complaints against the British including the impressment of American soldiers and the ramming of Native Americans.
    Political Party: Democratic-Republican
  • Political Affairs: War of 1812

    Causes: impressment of American soldiers by British and French, the arming of Native Americans against the citizens of the United States This was the first time that the United States Congress had declared war. One significant thing that happened during this war was the boring of the nations capital, Washington D.C. and the White House. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMXqg2PKJZU
  • Political Affairs: The Treaty of Ghent

    The Treaty of Ghent was used to end the War of 1812. In this treaty the countries agreed to:
    - return prisoners
    - restore previous boundaries
    - the British pledged to stop supporting Native American attacks https://www.pbs.org/video/the-war-of-1812-the-treaty-of-ghent/
  • President: Election of James Monroe

    President: Election of James Monroe
    Time in Office: 1817 - 1825
    Madison was a governor, senator, soldier, diplomat and apart of the "Virginia Dynasty". Because the nation was no longer at war, Monroe was able to focus more on domestic affairs and revived the presidential tour started by Washington.

    Domestic Affairs: Panic of 1819, Missouri Compromise, American System
    Political Party: Democratic-Republican
    Known for: The Monroe Doctrine and the "Era of Good Feelings" was during his time as President
  • Slavery: The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise was a sectional compromise issued ignorer to keep a balance between slave and free states. Originally written by James Tallmadge Jr. and revised by Jesse Thomas, the Missouri Compromise states that:
    - slavery would be excluded in Louisiana
    - 36,30 latitude line
    --> passed as the Thomas Amendment March 2, 1820
    -Missouri was admitted as a state only if they promised to never deny free blacks of their constitutional rights
    --> Missouri became the 24th state August 10, 1821
  • Political Affairs: Adams- Onis Treaty

    This treaty was signed by John Quincy Adams and Luis de Onis, and had the major clauses:
    - all Spanish claims to East Florida were abandoned
    - the de facto control of West Florida was recognized
    - a strong boarder was set https://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h3985.html
  • Political Affairs: Monroe Doctrine

    Political Affairs: Monroe Doctrine
    One of the most important diplomatic policies crafted was the Monroe Doctrine, preventing any future European colonialism in the Western Hemisphere. When President Monroe presented this idea it was broken into 4 parts:
    - "the American continents...are henceforth not to be considered as subjects..."
    - wouldn't let Europe intervene in and matters
    - the US wouldn't interfere with currently European owned colonies
    - US would stay out of European international affairs.
  • Slavery: Founding of Liberia

    Because of the domestic policies in the United States, Liberia was founded. The government though that the increasing number of free blacks should be taken back to Africa and establish a colony under American Law. Despite the United States' efforts, the founding of Liberia never provided the massive African American exodus that they were hoping for.
    Source: https://history.state.gov/milestones/1830-1860/liberia
  • President: Election of John Quincy Adams

    Time in Office: 1825 - 1829
    Prior to his presidency he was a very distinguished secretary under Monroe. John Quincy Adams, the son of John Adams, served a single term as President and wasn't the man for the job. Democrats managed to hold him to one term & elect Jackson.
    Political Party: Democratic-Republican
    Domestic Affairs: "Tariff of Abominations"
    Foreign Affairs: substantially opened up trade with many other countries, but couldn't resolve trading issues with the British West Indies
  • President: The Election of Andrew Jackson

    Time in Office: 1829 - 1837
    Jackson has a very significant two term presidency, founding the Democratic Party and expanding executive powers are just two important tasks that he accomplished during this time.
    Political Party: Democrat
    Known For: "the Common Man", a man of action not philosophy
    Domestic Affairs: Indian Removal Act, The Eaton Affair, Nullification Crisis, and the Bank Veto
  • Period: to

    Slavery: The Abolition Movement

    The Abolition movement started in the 1830s and created a huge rift between norther and souther states in the Union. There was the formation of the American Unit-slave Society in Boston and the writing of Uncle Tom's Cabin from the north that upset Southerners and eventually lead to the Civil War.
    When Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation slavery began to meet its demise in the United States but there was this the stubble for African Americans to gain rights. www.history.com
  • Political Affairs: The Indian Removal Act

    Proposed by President Jackson, the Indian removal act would move Indians to Oklahoma. The federal government would pay for this and give them some support at the beginning of the settlement. Narrowly approved by both the Senate and House of Representatives, he Indian Removal Act went into effect and would bring "enduring shame" on the nation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X76l6fwQAV0
  • Slavery: Nat Turner's Rebellion

    Nat Turner was a trusted black overseer and a preacher who believed that God said there needed to be a rebellion. Slaves went along with Turner killing slaver owners and their families in Virginia. Federal troops, the militia of Virginia and volunteers helped to crush the rebellion, killing many slaves and killing Nat Turner by hanging him. This rebellion terrified many white slave owners.
    Death Toll: 57 whites, mostly women and children; 10 of which were killed at school
  • Political Affairs: Webster-Ashburton Treaty

    The Webster-Ashburton Treaty was written and signed to clarify boundaries between Canada and the U.S., 7,015 square miles of the disputed territory went to the United States and Britain received 5,012 square miles. https://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h357.html
  • President: Election of Martin van Buren

    Time on Office: 1837 - 1841
    Serving as the 8th President of the United States, van Buren loved and appreciated his time in office. Although his political opponents didn't like him, the people defiantly did seeing as he received 40,000 more votes in the 1840 election than he did in '36.
    Know For/As: "Martin van Ruin"
    Domestic Affairs: annexation of Texas, Economic Panic of 1837
    Foreign Affairs: Great Britain v. Canada (1837)
    Political Party: Democrat
  • President: Election of William Henry Harrison

    Time in Office: 1841
    William Henry Harrison was the ninth President of the United States and served the shortest term by a president, 32 days. He died of a bad cold that turned into pneumonia.
    Known For/As: "Old Tip"
    Political Party: Whig
  • President: Election of John Tyler

    Time in Office: 1841 - 1845
    Starting his political career at 21, John Tyler started out with a seat on the Virginia House of Delegates and like Jackson strongly opposed the Bank of the United States. Because of the death of William Henry Harrison, John Tyler became the youngest man to hod the executive position at 51.
    Domestic Affairs: Annexation of Texas
    Political Party: Whig
    Known For: youngest man in office at this time
  • President: Election of James Polk

    Time in Office: 1845 -1849
    During the Presidency of Polk the United States grew by over 1 million square miles or land. He accomplished all of the goals that he had set for himself going into his presidency and was successful in war with Mexico.
    Political Party: Democrat
    Domestic Affairs: Westward Expansion, Wilmot Proviso, Walker Tariff of 1846
  • Political Affairs: Annexation of Texas

    The annexation of Texas was difficult because Texas would be admitted to the Union as a slave state, which didn't please those of the northern states. After 9 years of being its own country, Texas was annexed and admitted to the Union in 1845 making Texas the 28th state. https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/us-history/the-early-republic/age-of-jackson/a/annexing-texas
  • Political Affairs: The Mexican American War

    The Mexican American war lasted from 1846-1848, starting with a battle on the Rio Grande and ended with a significant loss of territory for Mexico. Causes: annexation of Texas, Jame K. Polk's efforts to buy parts of the Oregon country
    Effects: Treaty of Guadalupe-Hildago https://www.history.com/topics/mexican-american-war/mexican-american-war
  • Political Affairs: Treaty of Guadalupe-Hildalgo

    The Treaty of Guadalupe-Hildago ended the Mexican-American War.
    This Treaty gave the U.S lands like present-day Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming. Mexico also gave up claims to Texas and recognized the Rio Grande as southern boarder between the United States and Mexico. https://www.history.com/topics/mexican-american-war/treaty-of-guadalupe-hidalgo
  • President: Election of Zachary Taylor

    Time in Office: 1849 - 1850
    Zachary Taylor was a hero of the Mexican-American War and a wealthy slave owner. President Taylor passed away only 16 months after his election and his impact was hidden by his successor Millard Fillmore.
    Domestic Affairs: Threat of Secession, payed close attention to Indian affairs in Texas and Florida
    Known For: "death by cherries"
    Political Party: Whig
  • President: Election of Millard Fillmore

    Time in Office: 1850 - 1853
    Fillmore was the thirteenth President following the death of Zachary Taylor. At this point the nation was starting to break over the question of slavery and Fillmore did all that he could to prevent this. Because of his decisions on things including the Compromise of 1850, he made the short time of Zachary Taylor as President less impactful.
    Domestic Affairs: Compromise of 1850
    Political Party: Millard Fillmore
  • Slavery: Compromise of 1850

    1. California as a free state
    2. organize territories of Mew Mexico and Utah without restrictions of Slavery
    3. deny Texas its extreme claim to land in New Mexico
    4. compensate Texas by paying for their pre-annexation debts
    5. retain slavery in the District of Columbia but abolish the sale of slaves in the nation's capital
  • Slavery; Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin is an anti-slavery novel by Harriett Stowe. The novel was directly targeting the southerners and their treatment of slaves. This upset the southerners deeply because it accused them all of mistreating slaves in horrendous ways. The release of this novel is a direct cause of the the Civil War.
    Video of the Book: https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/us-history/civil-war-era/sectional-tension-1850s/v/uncle-toms-cabin-part-2
  • President: Election of Franklin Pierce

    Time in Office: 1853 - 1857
    Franklin Pierce was spent his time in office during a very tense time in the United States. The North and South were feuding and an Act that he encouraged was one of the ultimate causes of the Civil War.
    Political Party: Democrat
    Domestic Affairs: Kansas-Nebrask Act, bloodshed in Kansas over slavery
  • Political Affairs: Gadsden Purchase

    The United States got 30,000 additional square miles in this treaty from Mexico, the residence of this territory would have the same rights as those previously 'given' to the United States. Cause: desire for a southern transcontinental railroad https://www.britannica.com/event/Gadsden-Purchase
  • Slavery: Kansas-Nebraska Act

    The Kansas-Nebraska Act demanded that by popular sovereignty Kansas and Nebraska could chose to be either slave or free states. This Act ended up making the relationship between the North and the South worse and helped lead to the Civil War. Proposed By: Stephen A. Douglas, a huge supporter of popular sovereignty Source: https://www.history.com/topics/19th-century/kansas-nebraska-act
  • Slavery: "Bleeding Kansas"

    "Bleeding Kansas" is a term used to refer to the period of violence in Kansas when there we being settled. Because of the slavery controversy and popular sovereignty being allowed in Kansas, there was a lot of fighting about wether Kansas should be slave or free.
  • Slavery: Brooks Attacks Sumner

    Cause: a speech that Sumner made attacking those who are pro-slavery including Preston Brooks' relative Andrew Butler Preston Brooks and Laurence Keitt of South Carolina (slave state) beat Senator Charles Sumner with a cane. The injuries were so dramatic and server that he had to take a leave of absence from the his senatorial duties. Both Brooks and Keitt resigned from their positions in office. Source: https://history.house.gov
  • President: Election of James Buchanan

    Time in Office: 1857 - 1861
    During Buchanan's presidency, the United States was dissolving over the question of slavery and civil war was threatening the nation. His race for the office was so close because of these sectional issues.
    Domestic Affairs: Dred Scott Supreme Court Case, "Bleeding Kansas", John Brown's rebellion
    Political Party: Democrat
    Known For/As: "Old Buck"
  • Slavery: The Dred Scott Case

    Dred Scott: born a slave in Virginia and taken to St. Louis in 1830 and sold to an army surgeon who took him to Illinois, the Wisconsin Territory and back to St. Louis. While in the Wisconsin Territory he married Harriet Robinson
    The Case: 1846; he filed suit in Missouri claiming that because he had lived in the Wisconsin Territory and Illinois (both free) that he was free because slavery was outlawed there
    Final Ruling: 7 to 2 against Scott because he wasn't a U.S. citizen
  • Slavery: Lincoln-Douglas Debates

    Abraham Lincoln (Republican) vs. Stephen A. Douglas (Democrat; popular sovereignty) --> for the Illinois senate seat
    The Debates took place from August 21st to October 15, 1558; and became a battle for the future of the republic. Results: even thought Douglas won the election, Lincoln became a national figure and many Republicans got seats on the House of Representatives and essentially took control of it.
  • Slavery: Raid on Harper's Ferry

    Lead By: John Brown, the leader of the Pottawatomie Massacre in Kansas...he believed that he would be carrying out the "divine plan on behalf of a vengeful God" Goal: trigger a massive slave uprising Brown lead 20 men to the federal rifle arsenal in Harpers Ferry, Virginia they occupied it for two days before many armed whites including U.S. Marines came. Once the rebellion was shut down, they were charged with murder and treason.
  • Slavery: Election of 1860

    When Lincoln was elected in 1860, it was like the Civil War had already started. South Carolina along with six other slave states seceded from the Union to form the Confederate States of America. The Election of 1860 was the final catalyst leading up to the Civil War because of the things that Lincoln believed in, including abolition.
  • Political Affairs: The Secession of South Carolina

    The pro-slavery people of the south viewed Lincoln's election as a sign to abandon the Union. South Carolina had one of the highest percentages of slaves out of all of the slave Staes, and this proved to be very crucial to their economy. The secession of South Carolina was like a domino effect on the rest of the pro-slave states causing the majority of them to secede as well. https://study.com/academy/lesson/south-carolinas-secession-events-impact.html
  • President: Election of Abraham Lincoln

    Time in Office: 1861 - 1865
    By the election of the 16th President of the United States, 7 states had left the Union and the country was at the breaking point for the civil war. With a vow to keep the Union intact, President Lincoln did all that he could to end the war and abolish slavery.
    Political Party: Republican
    Domestic Affairs: Emancipation Proclamation, the Civil War
    Known For: first Republican President, his assassination less then a week after the Confederacy surrendered
  • Political Affairs: Civil War Begins

    First Battle: the attack on Fort Sumner, April 12th, 1861
    Post Battle of Fort Sumner----
    States that Seceded: TX, LA, MS, AL, GA, FL, SC, NC, VA, TN, AR
    Slave states that remained in the Union: MO, KY, WV Seceded Staes became known as the Confederate States of America. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rY9zHNOjGrs
  • Political Affairs: Trent Affair

    The Trent Affair happened during the civil war when two confederate men were on their way to Europe. They were going in attempt to get the Confederacy recognized by Britain and France, but their ship was intercepted by the USS San Jacinto. The were arrested and jailed in Boston. https://www.history.com/topics/american-civil-war/trent-affair
  • Slavery: Emancipation Proclamation

    Durning the second year of Lincoln's Presidency and the Civil War he issued the Emancipation Proclamation, stating that on January 1st, 1863 all slave would become free citizens. Because Lincoln didn't recognize the Confederate States of America as its own separate entity, this Proclamation was considered law there as well. This made it easier for slaves to escape and promoted the fact that if they could escape they would be free.
  • President: Election of Andrew Johnson

    Time in Office: 1865 - 1869
    Andrew Johnson didn't have a great education and didn't master many basic literary skills until the age of 17. He is regarded as one of the worst Presidents that this nation has seen, following be hind one of the best.
    Domestic Affairs: African American suffrage, Impeachment
    Political Party: Union
    Known For/As: one of the worst Presidents, his Impeachment
  • Slavery: The Thirteenth Amendment

    The Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution abolished any form of slavery in the United States:
    “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.” -The United States Constitution This amendment to the constitution was ratified in 1865 after the conclusion of the Civil War.
  • Political Affairs: The Civil War Ends

    The Civil War put brother against brother and was the most dramatic event in American history. The Civil War was the first 'modern' war in the United States and a major effect of the war was the creation the 13th amendment abolishing slavery. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzTrKccmj_I
  • Political Affairs: Purchase of Alaska

    Alaska was originally owned by Canada until the United States purchased it. https://www.britannica.com/event/Alaska-Purchase
  • Slavery: The Fourteenth Amendment

    The Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution grated citizenship to all who have been born in the United States, including former slaves. This amendment was made to further the abolition of slavery and create more civil rights for African Americans. The amendment was ratified in 1868. https://www.history.com/topics/black-history/fourteenth-amendment
  • Political Affairs: Burlingame-Seward Treaty

    Goal: immigration --> more workers and jobs filled
    -both nations would be open to unlimited immigration from the other
    -citizens of one nation would be able to travel, reside, etc. freely in the other nation
    -the U.S. would not interfere with Chinese affairs https://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h736.html
  • President: Election of Ulysses S. Grant

    Time in Office: 1869 - 1877
    During his two term presidency Grant wanted to rebuild the nation with the ideals of Lincoln in mind, reuniting the North and the South to keep the Union strong.
    Domestic Affairs: reconstruction and Native American Policy
    Known for: the Union General who led the U.S. to victory over the Confederate States of America, the scandals that plagued his presidency
    Political Party: Republican
  • Slavery: The Fifteenth Amendment

    The fifteenth amendment to the United States Constitution gave African Americans the right to vote. This was adopted to the Constitution in 1870, but some states had discrimination practices that were used to get African Americans to not vote. These practices were mainly seen in the south.
  • Slavery: Compromise of 1877

    The States of Louisiana, Florida, and South Carolina still had Reconstruction-era Republican governments. In order for President Rutherford B. Hayes to get into office he had to sign the Compromise of 1877 making the Republicans of Louisiana, South Carolina, and Florida withdraw federal troops and become Democratic. This Compromise effectively marked the end of the Reconstruction era.
  • President: Election of Theodore Roosevelt

    Time in Office: 1901 - 1909
    Serving as the 26th President of the United States, Roosevelt centered the American Political System around the President and continued to expand the executive branch influence.
    Political Party: Republican
    Domestic Affairs: Regulation of Businesses, Square Deal, and Civil Rights
    Known For: being the first modern president
  • President: Election of William Taft

    Time in Office: 1909 - 1913
    Following up the Presidency of Roosevelt, William Taft was not able to fill the very large shoes that were left for him. When up for re-election he left the Republican Party to form his own "Bull-Moose" party.
    Political Party: Republican
    Domestic Affairs: tariff reforms
    Known For: the only man who had had the highest executive and judicial positions
  • Slavery The End of Segregation in Schools

    In 1954 the court case Brown vs. Board of Education lead to the Supreme Court outlawing segregation in schools. Almost 10 years later segregation in all public places was outlawed.
  • President: Election of John F. Kennedy

    Time in Office: 1961 - 1963
    Prior to his Presidency John F. Kennedy attended college at Harvard, served for hazardous combat duty during WW2, was a journalist, served on the House of Representatives (1947-1953) and the U.S. Senate (1953-1961). He surrounded himself with many intellectuals in his administration.
    Political Party: Democrat
    Known For: being a hero in WW2
    Domestic Affairs: Civil Rights
  • Slavery: Voting Rights Act of 1965

    African American's voting rights were being suppressed at the local and state lever even with the 15th Amendment in affect. President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act into law so that legal barriers suffered by African Americans would be overcome. The Voting Rights Act was the biggest leap in the civil rights movement at this point in history.
  • President: Election of Ronald Regan

    Time in Office: 1981 - 1989
    Going form a sports announcer and Hollywood movie actor to governor of California and eventually the 40th President of the United States, Ronald Regan served during a time of foreign policies diabetes and economic issues.
    Domestic Affairs: 1986 Tax Law
    Political Party: Republican
    Economic Policy: reduce taxes, cut the budget, and his monetary policy
  • Slavery: This is America by Childish Gambino (Donald Glover)

    Slavery: This is America by Childish Gambino (Donald Glover)
    This is America is a song written by Childish Gambino (Donald Glover) talking about issues in America including gun violence and mass shootings. He also includes many references of police brutality towards African Americans and in the opening scene of the music video he makes an obvious jab at the Jim Crow Laws.
    This song was seen by many people and made a lot of people think about the current events in the country. Music Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYOjWnS4cMY