
American Imperialism 1850's to 1914

  • Reasons for the growth of American imperialism

    Reasons for the growth of American imperialism
    Economic- Desire to make money, control foreign trade, expand markets, acquire raw materials.
    Political- Gain power, expand territory and to exercise military force.
    Religious- Desire to spread Christianity and to protect European values and moral beliefs.
  • The United States acquires Alaska 1867

    The United States acquires Alaska 1867
    In 1867, William Seward arranged for the U.S to buy Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million.
    In 1959 Alaska became a state.
    For about 2 cents an acre United States had acquired a land which was rich in timber, minerals and oil.
  • The United States takes Hawaii

    The United States takes Hawaii
    In 1867, the same year in which Alaska was purchased, the United States took over the Midway Islands, which lie in the Pacific Ocean about 1300 miles north of Hawaii.
    Americans came to Hawaii because they wanted to sell Hawaii's sugar.
    The Queen of Hawaii Liliuokalani came to power with a 'Hawaii for Hawaiians' agenda. But, eventually she had to give up her thrown because of the strong American forces.
    In 1959, Hawaii became the 50th state of the United States
  • The Spanish-American war causes and public opinion

    The Spanish-American war causes and public opinion
    Causes- In 1898, the US dispatched the USS Maine on a mission to Cuba. The ship was sent to rescue US citizens who might be endangered by the conflict in Cuba. On February 15, 1898 the Maine mysteriously blew up. The US blamed a Spanish mine and this resulted in the war.
    Public opinion- Public opinion in the United States was split. Many business people wanted the government to support Spain in order to protect their investments. Other Americans, however, were enthusiastic about the rebel cause.
  • The Spanish American War outcome

    The Spanish American War outcome
    The U.S forces destroyed the Spanish fleet of Santiago Bay, Cuba. Spain finally surrendered at Santiago which marked their defeat.
    Outcome- The Spanish-American War of 1898 ended Spain’s colonial empire in the Western Hemisphere and secured the position of the United States as a Pacific power. U.S. victory in the war produced a peace treaty that compelled the Spanish to give up claims on Cuba, and to cede sovereignty over Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines to the United States.
  • America and Puerto Rico (July 1898)

    America and Puerto Rico (July 1898)
    During the Spanish-American War, United States forces, under General Nelson Miles, occupied Puerto Rico. Puerto Ricans had dreams of independence but it was important to the United States for maintaining a U.S. presence in the Caribbean and for protecting a future canal that American leaders wanted to build.
    The Foraker Act gave the President of the United States the power to appoint Puerto Ricos governor and members of the Upper House. However, voting rights were extended to them later on.
  • Cuba and the United States

    Cuba and the United States
    When the United States declared war against Spain in 1898, it recognized Cuba’s independence from Spain. It also passed the Teller Amendment, which stated that the United States had no intention of taking over any part of Cuba.
    As expected Cuba was occupied by American troops when the war ended.
    The Platt Amendment was a set of conditions under which Cuba was granted independence, including restrictions on right of Cubans and granting U.S the "right to intervene" to preserve order in Cuba
  • The Spanish-American war events

    The Spanish-American war events
    After the explosion of the USS Maine, the US public was whipped up into an anti-Spanish hysteria. Despite Spain's desire to avoid war and President William McKinley's distaste for war, the yellow press continued feeding the public's appetite for anti-Spanish news.
    Events- The U.S Congress declared war on Spain.U.S. Commodore Dewey and his Asiatic squadron defeated the Spanish fleet at Manila Bay in the Philippines. The U.S troops landed in Cuba and defeated the Spanish at San Juan Heights.
  • Filipinos Rebel 1899

    Filipinos Rebel 1899
    Filipinos reacted with outrage to the Treaty of Paris, which called for American annexation of the Philippines.
    In February 1899, the Filipinos, led by Aguinaldo, rose in revolt. Causes of the war-United States assumed almost the same role that Spain had played, imposing its authority on a colony that was fighting for freedom.
    It took the U.S 3 years to put down the rebellion. Philippines moved gradually toward independence and finally became an independent republic on July 4, 1946.
  • Foreign Influence in China

    Foreign Influence in China
    China was seen as a vast potential market for American products.The Open Door Policy was initiated by the U.S for the protection of equal privileges among countries trading with China and in support of Chinese territorial and administrative integrity.
    The Boxer Rebellion in China was a means of ending foreign influence in the country.
    U.S. interest also came under attack because the Open Door policy attempted to secure for U.S the same power enjoyed by other Western countries in China
  • Theodore Roosevelt and the world

    Theodore Roosevelt and the world
    Theodore Roosevelt, established a new foreign policy approach based on a favorite African proverb, “speak softly, and carry a big stick, and you will go far.” Roosevelt believed that it was unnecessary to use force to achieve foreign policy goals as long as the military could threaten force.
    Roosevelt wanted to build the Panama Canal and for that they needed land of Panama which was part of Columbia. Columbia was unwilling to cede their land.
  • The Panama Canal

    The Panama Canal
    Roosevelt made it clear that the U.S would support the Panamanian people if they chose to revolt against Colombia and form their own nation. In 1903, he even sent American battleships to the coast of Colombia, as the Panamanian revolution unfolded. Following the successful revolution, Panama became an American protectorate, and remained so until 1939.Once the Panamanian victory was secured, with American support, construction on the canal began in May 1904.
  • The Mexican Revolution

    The Mexican Revolution
    Francisco Madero led the Mexican revolution in which peasants and workers led by Madero overthrew the current dictator Porfirio Día.After two years, General Victoriano Huerta took over the government. Within days Madero was murdered. Wilson refused to recognize the government that Huerta formed. He called it “a government of butchers.” When Huerta arrested a couple of American officers it marked the beginning of a war.
  • Woodrow Wilson and the world

    Woodrow Wilson and the world
    Missionary Diplomacy was Woodrow Wilson's idea of the United States' moral responsibility to deny recognition to any Latin American government that was viewed as hostile to American interests. This was the first time America had failed to recognize any government, besides the Confederacy. It was an expansion of President James Monroe's 1823 Monroe Doctrine.