all existence in one year

  • Jan 1, 1000

    The Big Bang

    The Big Bang
    Big Bang Theory Briefly (youtube, ep. 1)The Big Bang Theory states that 13.7 billion years ago, a huge expansion of the universe occured due to its hot, dense state. This expansion caused the temperature to drop low enough to allow energy to convert into subatomic particles. Protons and Neutrons combined to form the first atomic nuclei only a few minutes after the Big Bang, but it took thousands of years for them to combine with electrons to form electrically neutral atoms. The first elements later formed stars and galaxies.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1000 to Dec 31, 1000

    all existence in one year

  • Sep 5, 1000

    The Earth Forms

    The Earth Forms
    Earth forms from a nebula in space orbiting the sun.
  • Sep 22, 1000

    Precambrian Time Era

    Precambrian Time Era
    By this point, the earth has formed and continantal shields have appeared. Stromatolites, formed by algae, are the most common organism.
  • Dec 19, 1000

    Paleozoic era begins/Cambrian Period begins

    Paleozoic era begins/Cambrian Period begins
    the cambrian explosionMarine invertebrates with shells appear and trilobites and brachiopods are common. This is where the first back-boned species appear. (vertebrates)
  • Dec 21, 1000

    Ordovician Period

    Ordovician Period
    Echinoderms appear and brachiopiods increase as trilobites fade out. Graptolites flourish and atmosphere becomes rich in oxygen; like it is now.
  • Dec 22, 1000

    Silurian Period

    Silurian Period
    During this period, the first true fish evolve and early land plants and animals come into existence. The Caledonian orogeny marks the end of the period.
  • Dec 23, 1000

    Devonian Period

    Devonian Period
    "age of fishes"- fish were the dominant animal species. The first forests appear along with ferns and seed-bearing plants. Also, amphibians start to pop up.
  • Dec 24, 1000

    Carboniferous Period (24th & 25th)

    Carboniferous Period (24th & 25th)
    MISSISSIPPIAN: Amphibians spread like the Black Death. Brachiopods are popular in oceans. Most of the land is covered by forests and swamps.
    PENNSYLVANIAN: Giant cockroaches and dragonflies are prevalent. The first deposits of coal form and reptiles evolve.
  • Dec 26, 1000

    Permian Period

    Permian Period
    Pangaea forms and the end of the period is marked by a mass extinction including 96% of all marine species and 70% of all terrestrial vertebrate species. This is the only known mass extinction of insects.
  • Dec 27, 1000

    Mesozoic Era begins-Triassic Period

    Mesozoic Era begins-Triassic Period
    After the Permian extinction, dinosaurs AND mammals appear- not just dinosaurs. Ammonites, cyads, and conifers are popular.
  • Dec 28, 1000

    Jurassic Period

    Jurassic Period
    jurassic period article
    NOW, dinosaurs are dominant and mammals are unimportant losers. Primitive birds come along as well as flying reptiles.
  • Dec 29, 1000

    Cretaceous Period

    Cretaceous Period
    First flowering plants ,or angiosperms, appear. Another mass extinction occurs marking the end of the Mesozoic Era. All dinosaurs go bye-bye and pop-goes-the-mammals.. (next era)
  • Dec 31, 1000

    7 a.m. Cenozoic Era andTertiary Period begin- Paleocene Epoch

    7 a.m. Cenozoic Era andTertiary Period begin- Paleocene Epoch
    "Age of mammals"- mammals are dominant now and the first primates appear
  • Dec 31, 1000

    12 p.m. Oligocene Epoch

    12 p.m. Oligocene Epoch
    Deer, pigs, camels, cats, and dogs evolve. The Himalayan mountains form. The global climate becomes dramatically cooler and drier causing many mammals to become extinct. But, many species benefit from the climate change and flourish. Marine invertebrates also flourish.
  • Dec 31, 1000

    1 p.m. Miocene Epoch

    1 p.m. Miocene Epoch
    New circumpolar currents cause modern antarctic icecap to form. The Mediterranean Sea fills and drains several times. The largest land mammals exist in this time period.
  • Dec 31, 1000

    8 p.m. Pliocene Epoch

    8 p.m. Pliocene Epoch
    Large carnivores such as bears, lions, etc. come to be. Herbivores like the giant ground sloth increase. Toward the end there is an "ice age' as continental ice sheets spread and ocean levels drop significantly. Many speciesmigrate across a couple new land bridges.
  • Dec 31, 1000

    Quaternary Period begins-Pleistocene Epoch

    Quaternary Period begins-Pleistocene Epoch
    Woolly mammoths, rhinos and, finally, HUMANS appear. Through the cold, some species survived with natural characteristics (like thick fur), some by migration, and others became extinct.
  • Dec 31, 1000

    11:59 p.m. Holocene Epoch

    11:59 p.m. Holocene Epoch
    The last ice age ends and complex human societies develop. (this epoch includes now) Humans get smarter and start using agriculture and invent tools made of bronze and iron.
  • Dec 31, 1000

    9 a.m. Eocene Epoch

    9 a.m. Eocene Epoch
    Horses, flying squirrels, bats, and whales come along. Small reptiles multiply. Toward the end of the epoch, the global temperature drops about 4 degrees celsius.